Would you rather...

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Active Member
Lets play - "Would You Rather"

I'll ask a question, the next poster will answer it and then ask a different question. The question must start with - Would you rather...

Would you rather have no arms or no legs?
Tough decision, but I'd go for ugly, because with all that money you can make a change, a big change. - To the world of course.

Would you rather be ugly and confident, or good-looking with no confidence at all?
We had some overlap there so I'll answer both

Jason - Good Looking with no confidence (I know, its bad but its true)

Super Good -Courtney Love - gotta love the bad girls :)

Would you rather have be constipated or have diarrhea?
Suck a beautiful girls boob because i know im gonna get the whole thing ;)

would u rather be happy without a women no sex... or be with someone really ugly and moldy and get sex...
the former.


Would you rather go out with someone shy and kind or with someone who's talkative and not-so-modest?
i'll answer many questions :)
n4pst3r => shemale xD
souvikroy1111 => vergina ;)
ibby1001 => someone really ugly and moldy and get sex
Amz => someone shy

would you rather be a boy or a girl?
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