Wordpress Comments spam problem

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Recently i started to gain a many spam comments to my website
and i dont know how to block
any one know of any good plugin
or other method to do this?
or other method to do this?

I'd start at a higher lvl than implementing only a captcha.
Minimum allowed chars is better, because you also get rid of pointless comments like "great article!". You may also filter the input and block comments containing banned words or phrases (this stops spam being generated by pasting same sentences couple times).
And as it goes to captcha, don't you ever use recatpcha. Look for some easy solution which will allow you to define couple simple, generic questions (let it even be like: place third and fifth letter of word LSLASjfskda). You wan't to get rid from useless replies, not blocking the comment system with everything possible for normal visitor.
You want to get valuable replies or you're just a comment whore ? ;)

ps. inform the visitor what are the requirements to post a comment on your website.
If he won't be able to post the question at the first time, you won't see him anymore.
or other method to do this?

I'd start at a higher lvl than implementing only a captcha.
Minimum allowed chars is better, because you also get rid of pointless comments like "great article!". You may also filter the input and block comments containing banned words or phrases (this stops spam being generated by pasting same sentences couple times).
And as it goes to captcha, don't you ever use recatpcha. Look for some easy solution which will allow you to define couple simple, generic questions (let it even be like: place third and fifth letter of word LSLASjfskda). You wan't to get rid from useless replies, not blocking the comment system with everything possible for normal visitor.
You want to get valuable replies or you're just a comment whore ? ;)

ps. inform the visitor what are the requirements to post a comment on your website.
If he won't be able to post the question at the first time, you won't see him anymore.
it is not that kind of comments it is a trackback
this comments are not made by someone it is a spam that coming to my site and don't from where
Recently i started to gain a many spam comments to my website
and i dont know how to block
any one know of any good plugin
or other method to do this?

Adding disqus comment system and you will have no spams on blog.

I have installed for my blog ( see my signature ) and I didn't get any spams when installed it.
I'd start at a higher lvl than implementing only a captcha.
Minimum allowed chars is better, because you also get rid of pointless comments like "great article!". You may also filter the input and block comments containing banned words or phrases (this stops spam being generated by pasting same sentences couple times).
And as it goes to captcha, don't you ever use recatpcha. Look for some easy solution which will allow you to define couple simple, generic questions (let it even be like: place third and fifth letter of word LSLASjfskda). You wan't to get rid from useless replies, not blocking the comment system with everything possible for normal visitor.
You want to get valuable replies or you're just a comment whore ? ;)

ps. inform the visitor what are the requirements to post a comment on your website.
If he won't be able to post the question at the first time, you won't see him anymore.
it is not that kind of comments it is a trackback
this comments are not made by someone it is a spam that coming to my site and don't from where

Why not just disable trackbacks.
If the spam posts have things in common such as the link url, IP address or even phrases then you can block them using Wordpress itself by going to Settings > Discussions wherein you can add it to the blacklist. This helped me reduce spam for my site letsgopremium.com by 99%
Hi, Akismet can block spam comment if you configure it perfectly. Also if you are getting too many spam on comment then add captcha with comment form, you will not get spam comment anymore.
1. You should go for Discuss .. it may help you to reduce Spam Comments..
2. Try Askimet (Spam comments go to Spam Box and Then Just Del. spam comments after 2 or 3 days)
3. Wp Optmize (Help you to Del Smap Comments Automatically) (Plugin >Settings> Select Auto Setting): You have to Configure it to Optmize Daily

Hope This may help You..
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