Wordpress and tag "more". What is used for?

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Active Member
Have seen that some people use it and some don't.

If I'm right, webmasters place it to decrease "bounce rate", which means that "page views" will increase and also it will slightly increase "avg time on site". That can potentially lead to higher position in SE..

Experienced webmasters, could you please share your opinion about this thing.

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As my opinion

Wordpress is a slow platform, and sites took time to load.

more.. button help to load site fast as contents partially viewed.

2nd if your content is really lengthy, its take alot of space on your home page, so better is use a more.. button after a small summery(that should be attractive so that user click on more).

3rd, as I said its make alot of space on your home page, so normally users dont want to scroll down alot, so the contents at the bottom of the page will not got an eye of user.

The "More" is a large button at the bottom of results but it doesn't just have to be wordpress. Usually 10 results are loaded and instead of clicking page two to see the next number of results you can click the more button and the next 10 results are loaded by ajax. Ajax is a form of javascript that sends a resuest to the server, get's the next 10 results and inserts them into the page.

An even more advanced version of this can be seen on Twitter when you don't even have to click the more button. As you scroll down the javascript knows your near the bottom of the page and loads more tweets.

So why is this done? Well people like Jason consider it to be a fancy feature but it's actually to help reduce server load. If you click next page then the whole page is reloaded including adverts, sidebars, recent searches, tags etc. It all adds up to a considerable amount of additional queries and server load on a busy site.

Now the main question. Is this bad for your SEO? Once upon a time it was as Google couldn't process javascript but the modern search engines can now handle basic javascript such as this. It is still advisable to have links or an alternative for non javascript enabled browsers but these are few and far between. Most of these websites display the traditional page navigation buttons if the visitor doesn't have javascript.
Yeah IceTea, You are right!
In Wordpress it basically do the 3 things:
1. Increase pageview.
2. Dcrease Bounce Rate
3. Make your blog/ site more attractive.

Thats it.
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