Woman Filming Parts Of Sister's Birthday Party At Theater, Charged With Movie Copying

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She recently spent two nights in a Chicago jail and is now facing a further three years imprisonment.

You only have to look at her to see she’s a criminal type.

Her crime?

Her sister had a surprise 29th birthday party at the Muvico Theater in Rosemont and Samantha made a video including her “and a few other family members singing Happy Birthday’,” says the Chicago Sun-Times.

Now she’s charged “with a rarely invoked felony designed to prevent movie patrons from recording hot new movies,” says the story.

Because during she also captured bits of ‘Twilight’.

After a worker saw her shooting the video, managers contacted police. Later, commander Frank Siciliano said officers found Samantha had taped “two very short segments” of the movie — no more than four minutes in total, says the story.

She was arrested “after theater managers insisted on pressing charges, he said,” it states, going on.........

She was charged with criminal use of a motion picture exhibition. She remained jailed for two nights in Rosemont’s police station until being taken to bond court on Monday, where a Cook County judge ordered her released on a personal recognizance bond that didn’t require her to post any cash

The footage she shot “also includes the pre-film commercials, as well as her talking about the camera and the movie,” says the Chicago Sun-Times, adding:

“She plans to fight in court the felony filed against her because she said she did nothing wrong — and certainly didn’t try to secretly tape the movie.”

Source: P2PNet
Im getting tired of these motherfuckers
What the fuck is anyone going to to with 4mins of footage
I agree with Dean2k they are power hungry they know they will never stop piracy but they prosecute people they can get to make themselves look good when really their is a bunch of people they cant touch. So what they are fine with prosecute people who are innocent thats just bullshit shows you how ruthless these wankers really are
I work at a movie threatre and if we catch anyone filming a movie we get a 500$ raise. I see why they had her arrested and all since I know both sides of the story.
I was at work and listening to the radio on B96 or was it KissFM? (Both Chicago stations) and I heard about this and was like "Wow...cops and shit are FUCKED UP".

And omg this was in Rosemont...dude...I live 2 towns away from Rosemont... o.0 I swear to God.

I forgot to add. How does she have those segments on there? She got a new phone and couldn't figure out how to stop the video recording on her phone. (That's what the radio said). But yeah. I mean come on...what the fuck? Seriously? That's just fucked up how she got arrested. It's a birthday, wanted to make things nice. Couldn't figure out how to turn off the fucking camera since it was a new phone and got 4 minutes of the movie? 4 FUCKING MINUTES AND SHE'S IN JAIL!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GOVERNMENT AND IT'S LAW ENFORMENT??! She so deserves to be let go and should have never gotten arrested or even sent to jail.

Then again...Rosemont cops are dicks and most of them live in the gated community of Rosemont. So if any Rosemont cops see this or if you know a Rosemont cop...tell them I say FUCK YOU! I go to Triton College...they can find me there if they wanna bitch.
Director Of New Moon Says Jailing Of Girl For Snippets Of Video Of His Movie Is 'Terribly Unfair'

from the it-is,-isn't-it? dept

While he has no official say in the matter, it is still worth noting that Chris Weitz, the director of the movie New Moon has said that he thinks it's "terribly unfair" that a 22-year-old girl was jailed and now faces felony charges because her attempt to film some of her sister's birthday celebration caught less than four minutes of New Moon on her video camera (found via Copycense). Weitz is not the copyright holder and has no real say in what happens, but he does note that he's talking to Summit Entertainment, the studio who made the film, to let them know of his concerns, to see if there's anything that can be done.

Of course, what should be done is that the law should be changed so we don't have these ridiculous situations at all. And hopefully he would stand behind such a proposal. In the meantime, it's just yet another in a long line of examples of the law creating punishment that is way out of proportion with the "crime" when it comes to copyright and copying of content.
Man this is so fucking wrong I hope she fights this and the people support her, fucking money grabbing bastards I would boycott spending any money at the cinema's or buying media of any description but I dont buy nothing in any case :))
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