WJunction - Frequently Asked Questions

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WJunction - Frequently Asked Questions

I was bored and decided to write an FAQ for WJunction and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what to add.
Q. I just joined and I can't view anything/why can't I view (area of the forum here)?

You are in a probation period. You need to be registered for at least 2 days and have made at least 2 posts to get off probation, and have access to more areas of the forums.
Q. Alright, I've been a member for 2 days and I've made more than two posts, why am I still on probation?

It is probably because the server's time is different than the time in your area.
Q. What's the first thing I should do when I come here for the first time?

Read the RULES threads to avoid unnecessary trouble. Then make an introduction thread to introduce yourself to the community.
Q. I got an Infraction/SB ban what should I do?

Well first of all don't flame the staff member who gave infraction / SB Banned you. If you believe you were infracted / SB Banned unfairly, check this thread. If you still believe it is unfair, contact a higher ranked staff member.
Q. What are some immediately bannable offenses?

The following are a few offenses:
Having multiple accounts.
Threatening/attempting to crack a WJ staff members account
Trying to harm WJ by DDOSing or Hacking.
Attempting to phish WJunction.
Hacking the site or attempting to access areas restricted to staff
Posting infected files
Q. I was Scammed what should I do?

There a few things you should do:

1. Screen shot all conversations with them on SB and IM clients like msn/yahoo/aim/myspace messengers also screesnhot paypal/lr etc transaction info. Have them ready and then PM your complaint to a Super Mod (make sure to post your proof) without proof, nothing can be done other than to tell ppl to be careful when dealing with said person). Be logical and dont be LIKE HE SCAMMED ME BAN HIM NOW BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!111oneoneone!!! also report relevant pms and posts the user made. Do not make a thread about the incident it only encourages bashing and flaming. Also there is nothing WJ can do to get your money back if you've been scammed its not their responsibility to get your money back use common sense.
Q. (user) is flaming me excessively what should I do?

Once again screen shot IM conversations and SB shouts post any screen shots and other proof you have (report relevant PMs and posts made by the user using the report buttons) PM all proof to a staff member.

Q. How do I Search?

Click the search button on the top of the forums.
Q. How do I use strike through? For Example "" Domain SOLD ""

[.strike] Your Text [/strike] Without the dot (.)
Q. How do I report a Post?

Q. How do I report a Personal Message?

Q. I want to become staff here how do i go about that?

A. Do NOT ask for a staff position it will result in you most likely never being staff show by example that you are worthy of being staff and they will invite you.​
i've only spent a few hours here so far i think i picked up quite a bit in the two or three hours i've actually been on the site as i go around and look at stuuf i suppose ill find more to add
It's nice you took the initiative and made this. Hopefully people will read it before making the same thread on a question that has been answered 100x.
I'd have repped you if there would be a reputation system here :)

Really thanks for this, the new comers would appreciate it ;)
Gud A Guy with 8 posts know so much i too didnt knew so much about Wjunction good job.....

He Asked me the answer of all these questions lol just kidding
Nice one. Ssoo many 6 year olds with no intelligence signing up lately that this really ought to be either a Stuck thread, Or mailed as an intro!
Needs a bit of expansion, but might save some heartache! Good start mate ;)
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