Wjunction - a better place to buy :)

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Active Member
Hi all, what attracts me to become a registered member is that the marketplace here is safe, since no hacked/phished/carded (all sorts of illegal stuffs) are allowed to be traded here... this is the edge it has over other forums like warezscene etc... hopefully I will find my supplier here, looking forward to become the most active buyer here at the marketplace ... Wjunction simply rocks !! FTW !!<3
correct we have moderators who are on top of their game anything thats fishy get sorted straight away i have bought off here a few times haven't had any problems yet
Thanks for the instant replies and head-ups mates, will prefer to deal with trusted seller only in the beginning... actually i was looking for someone who can supply me RS accounts constantly ... preferred payment: LR or MB (no chargeback scams whatsoever), alternative payment mode: Paypal (send as personal payment) ... but Paypal love to limit account, sigh..
@Gamelord, no problem with that, paying $6 per account, it will take some times to build up my reputation as trusted buyer though.. but as long as I did my part as my buyer, people will be willing to sell to me:)
Business is all about trusting and to be trusted <3
Just remember to always be careful regardless. There is no way to guarantee safety :).


Welcome to WJ.
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