WJ Skin - Stage 1 Design

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Active Member
Alright after jay's post there was a lot of people who want a new skin for wjunction. So why not create one as a community so we get a custom skin & a really good one from all the creative people here at wj.

Stage 1 Design
The first step to create the theme is creating a psd. So go crazy and post your ideas. If you only want to make a logo, you can submit that as well as someone else might be able to build around that for there own overall image or look. If you like a certain theme but think it should be slightly modified one way or another please also post your comments.

Get started
- Please upload your preview image on the image host of your choice reply here
- Once you submit your theme PM the psd (RS, MU, MF only)

- Submit as many different designs as you want
- Must be your original idea
- You can not resell the psd

All entries by August 1st

Stage 2 -> http://www.wjunction.com/showthread.php?p=403826#post403826
Great idea dude!
But keep this one too in the theme options as its cool too :)
And may be try a dark theme, for the dark warez world :P
@ RCCoolDude

I personally would not recommend a Dark Theme.

Maybe a theme with 3 - 4 different colors that flow well with each other, But most deff not a dark theme.
Is there by chance an incentive? :D

And color doesn't matter that much because you can go in last minute and mess with the hue/saturation to change the color :P It's not recommended, but color shouldn't be the deciding factor in a theme.
The incentive is that your skin will be chosen above the others and be used on a very popular forum. Its a community thing. Help wJ and wJ will help you back <3

PS: Light skins ftw.
Well i know how DLow could be helped back =\

But i agree light skins FTW,

As i said first Blue Skin, A even better postbit GUI

= Perfection :)
yea I think anyone entering who wants to win should try a light skin, seems to be the popular choice.

As Jay said it is a community thing, I think that is enough for you to help. Plus Jay and I discussed it and are both willing to code it
Why not just pay Elio or dominic to make one :S Its great that everyone wants to help but most people can't make a decent skin to save their lives plus many people will feel like shit if they worked on something for the skin and it wasn't implemented. Maybe giving ideas to the designers and voting on weather it should be implemented or not?

My 2 cents.
Nice idea. This is a huge incentive. Imagine if your skin was chosen and you had your name in the footer with a link to your profile in the footer. Your reputation and future GFX work and sales would rocket.

Their's no harm letting others try. I'm sure Elio will enter and lots of people will just vote for him regardless.

I know your not going to please everyone with the final result as that's just impossible in this place but if it's community approved it will be a lot harder to argue against.
Yea Mr Happy, I already asked Elio if he will enter. He said if it is approved. I don't see the harm is attempting such a project. Hopefully Elj says yes so we can move forward. Hope to see some designs soon.
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