WJ Moderator: Curiosity

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I really don't want to seem like an idiot for voting for myself, but to be fair, I also have be honest. I think I qualify to be a mod (or re-moded). I would definitely help WJunction again if you need more moderators.

I was one of the original moderators when we first opened up for the first half of 2009. I'm pretty experienced overall. Not that WJ is completely related to katz, but I know the rules and best practices well, and any site(s) i've ran have always reached at least a 4* site or more.

My timezone is New York. GMT -5. I usually login everyday, and spend couple of hours online, WJ is one of the sites I login often at. Also I login from my phone a lot when I'm on the road.

So if you guys need any help, I'm good to go EJ.

My personal vote for someone else would probably me Mr. Happy. I like that guy :)
^yeah ur one of the oldest members still around and that too with a clean rep so i guess ur good to go:D

I would go for Saime. He's straight to the point, no bullshit. That's what I like :P

not too sure abt that...saime has a bit of a knack for hacking and i dont think members wud like a mod to be someone whos got that kinda skills....hes quite good at it i must add...but then again he cud teach ppl a lot abt security
Mr. Happy should be a serious consideration. He's dedicated to his work, he helps out more than anyone else, and he is an overall great guy.
Most important is that it is someone who has a clear opinion things and doesn't just want to join to asslick the Katz admins =]
Most important is that it is someone who has a clear opinion things and doesn't just want to join to asslick the Katz admins =]


Btw - I don't know Hawk personally, but I know hes smart and knows his shit, he seems very responsible, and friendly.

If it were my choice it would be him. :)
I'm voting for myself. I know i'm up for the challenge of making this site more mature.

I don't look at someone's status but at how he behaves. I'd be strict but polite. Ofcourse a laugh from time to time is good but this site has potential which isn't going to come out the way people behave right now.

Next to all of this i'm a student so i have a great deal of time to spend on websites.

So if you want a decent mod who's on quite some time of the day (GMT +1), listens to you, is fun to talk to but still maintains the rules you should vote for me.

(offtopic reason: my last name is katz :D)

Now if i were to vote for one person i think it'd be To0. There might be people that don't like him but that shouldn't matter. I know him as a person that works hard and wants to improve anything he works with.
wow really honored to read the nice things said about me. Thank you for you kind comments.

I don't think post count or join date is too important but it should be taken into account. You want to make sure the person is going to be around for a while and not just disappear in a week or two.
I also think the new moderator should know his/her stuff. They don't have to be the best GFX artist or world's greatest coder but it's good to see staff who know what their talking about.

My personal vote would be for Jayfella. He's mature, honest, friendly and has great patients with the people who use his autoposter often repeating the same answers over and over without loosing his temperer.
He's also one of the people who have being mentioned by others that haven't said they don't have the time.

I'd also love to see Hyperz as the next Super Moderator. He know's his stuff and is incredibly fair.

EDIT: other's I think would be good are Mr R-T and Exel.
EDIT: other's I think would be good are Mr R-T and Exel.

Mr Happy, Exel and To0

Thanks guys.
I'd love to be part of WJunction's staff team.
But, I'm pretty sure they've got many more people in mind.
I won't say I'd be the 100% best choice, but I'd sure as hell try hard. :P

Anyway, if I'd have to choose, it would either be Mr. Happy or RT.
They're both great and very helpful.
They're both active and nice to members.
I don't talk to them much, but I've seem 'em around. :)
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