WJ Moderator: Curiosity

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Are we talking about a moderator or super moderator? (or both?)

Hyperz does deserve to be a supermod.
1. He is extremely helpful in many cases. ( i think we know why)
2. He is very mature as a person and deals with situations very well.

But does he wanna be a supermod? that's my theory.

Hmm about who would suit to be a moderator on WJ, is a tough one because everyone can pick the persons weakness. If its spelling properly,flaming,rude,trolling or doesn't know any knowledge. All im saying is that i would hate to see someone who is a total rude person become a moderator. So this is a tough one. Il let you know soon el_jentel1 by pm soon.

i hardly no many people here im new to the scene and i can say ive noticed a few people on wjunction i wouldnt have as mod.

my reasons are they are totally un helpfull rude and up there own asses, and want the mod status for nothing more than a title.
Golden Falcon ( he was mod before )
SplitIce (He is helpful and doesnt fool around in the sbox all day long )
warezdemon (He is a cool guy and he did his best to help WJ members )
frontlinegamerz (Codes , helps people , knows what he's doing )

And btw get someone who doesn't think he's king of the world !
Golden Falcon - Used to be a super moderator, in a good timezone, very helpful and experienced webmaster and he reports posts often. (y)
You need to trust them, they shouldnt be biased when it comes to decision making, they should know a good deal about being a webmaster, they need to be respected by the majority of the users here and they should have enough time to moderate and help members on the forum.

I would vote for:
Elio, frontlinegamerz CyberJ37, Webestrian and Phamous, jayfella, Mr Happy.

They are good guys and would be perfect for the job if they are willing to do it.

I would have voted for myself, but i cba with moderating anymore lol
Loget stepped down? :(

Hyperz deserves Smod. For example, even though he was planning on not continuing sharpleech, he made a 1.2 or w/e. Just an example of his dedication to the scene.
But if your looking for new blood, warezdemon I guess, or is jayfella wants it give him a trail run.
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