WJ Moderator: Curiosity

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Active Member
Let me make this as clear as possible, this is not a vote for a new moderator thread, even if every single member in WJunction votes for someone that doesn't mean they will be added in staff.

I am just curious to see what the majority think who should be a moderator.

Please be direct and mention a name, don't just say "must be mature" or "from X timezone".

So lets have it, share your thoughts.
well, flash could be the one - reason isn't needed for that :)
Raven Faust too as he helps around people a lot <3
JayFella, he could be as he is a nice guy n helpful too :)
WarezDemon, deserves to b d one
CyberJ37, he's fucking good ;)
Esotorisk, my loveliest brother n is active too

and may b me too :))
i think some 1 who isnt an ass kisser to the admins ( no offence intendid)

some 1 doesnt abuse the position, and also some 1 who isnt a complete asshole in the shoutbox like other so called established web masters who talk to newbies like they are shit on there shoe.

if u gonna choose some 1 choose some 1 who helps every 1 not just trusted webmasters !
jayfella, if he has time to do the job. He's acting mature, is a great person and can be trusted IMO.

EDIT: Or JmZ, for same reasons as jay.
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