R richdrops Banned Banned 51 2013 1 0 Jan 27, 2014 #21 Even i'm using Windows 8 . It works pretty awsome ! The best part of it is we can use it free till lifetime on a trial
Even i'm using Windows 8 . It works pretty awsome ! The best part of it is we can use it free till lifetime on a trial
smartboy Banned Banned 1,094 2013 336 0 Jan 27, 2014 #23 windows 7 is ok, but these microsoft guys release new one and tell us to pay more for new features
R richdrops Banned Banned 51 2013 1 0 Jan 27, 2014 #24 smartboy said: windows 7 is ok, but these microsoft guys release new one and tell us to pay more for new features Click to expand... Yes i strongly agree with everything you've said . It's only because there's no other user-interface platform like windows .
smartboy said: windows 7 is ok, but these microsoft guys release new one and tell us to pay more for new features Click to expand... Yes i strongly agree with everything you've said . It's only because there's no other user-interface platform like windows .
D DANE New Member 1 2014 0 0 Jan 27, 2014 #25 win 8.1 btw very fast super secure , and ur graphics also increased in my lappy when i installed win7 or win8 - 2741 mb graphics ( 1741 mb dfault + 1gb graphic card) when i installed win 8.1 - 2804 mb.
win 8.1 btw very fast super secure , and ur graphics also increased in my lappy when i installed win7 or win8 - 2741 mb graphics ( 1741 mb dfault + 1gb graphic card) when i installed win 8.1 - 2804 mb.
M marhahajcs Active Member 1,025 2011 442 240 Jan 27, 2014 #27 Win 7 for the desktops and laptops.Win 8 for touch screen tablet,mobile etc.
A am21 Active Member 561 2010 204 10 Jan 27, 2014 #28 win 8.1 feels more sleek even on desktop mode.. btw it took me some time to get used to it hehe
I iAmDjMAD Active Member 784 2012 139 0 Jan 27, 2014 #30 i heard a lot about win 8 faster n reliable..
S shanker Member 5 2014 0 0 Jan 29, 2014 #31 As i am using windows 7 its best, i dont know much about win8
X X-Name Active Member 297 2013 175 1,240 Jan 29, 2014 #32 Windows 7.Tried Windows 8 and 8.1 couple of months but they have too many bugs/incompatibilities,i'll never go back even if they fix it.
Windows 7.Tried Windows 8 and 8.1 couple of months but they have too many bugs/incompatibilities,i'll never go back even if they fix it.
W Wcode Member 9 2014 0 0 Jan 30, 2014 #33 I am using Windows 8.1 now and will definitely vote for it.
D dafthost Member 21 2014 0 0 Feb 2, 2014 #34 Windows 7 is best options because is stable and working smooth
L LD_Sales Active Member 29 2014 0 0 Feb 2, 2014 #36 Window 8 is best for me and its update to 8.1 is awesome..
K Karma Member 7 2013 1 0 Feb 3, 2014 #39 I'm using windows8. I like the sleek modern style of it. The sidebar is also very nice and helpfull.