Wiki Leaks News

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"On Sunday 28 November Wikileaks began releasing the first of its 250,000 leaked US embassy cables. Almost immediately, a hacking attack known as a "DDOS" – distributed denial of service – attack tried to knock it off the net. These are the attacks that have followed in the succeeding days."

That is quite sad.
Old news. Yesterday, its founder, Julian Assange, was arrested in the UK after Swedish police issued him an international arrest warrant on charge of rape.
Do you think he is a rapist or is it a false accusation? Maybe there just throwing this at him to get him to stop what he's doing and get him behind bars.
I think they are just throwing this at him to get him to stop what he's doing. I saw an interview with his father, he's a good person.. Always standing up for the underdog.
I think it is a just a false accusation. When you check the actual charge you will know how ridiculous the claim is. Supposedly, the condom broke while they were having consensual sex. How could he be a rapist when what he had was consensual sex! moreover, how can he be found liable for the breakage of his condom?
So they are just framing him, imo.
I'm a proud American. I hate anybody that stands against my country.. But the most hilarious things I've seen on the news lately was when Hilary Clinton made a public speech about some of the things she has done that was leaked :|
Its all drama.Useless stuff.So what has these leaks added to our life? Nothing. Its just like writing stories with real life characters named in it.
Its all drama.Useless stuff.So what has these leaks added to our life? Nothing. Its just like writing stories with real life characters named in it.

Disagree. In many cases it's uncovering lies made by members of goverments. If you have a goverment member who blatently lies to the people that voted for him/her then people have a right to know.

I've no problem with a goverment member saying something like "No Comment" if it's a matter of national security but I can't stand when people knowingly lie for for their own politicial gain.
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