Wickedupload.com - $40 per 1000 points.

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Now, I gets no download , no point !!
Give up !
Try it, Working fine. Thx!
and what's "[yabsoft]"
Site Ads too many.
Download speed become to slow.
[Wickedupload] + File Name => What's this file name?!
and......Give Up!!
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Please check again, stats are updated once every 30 minutes.

Everyone that had downloads before but no points added has been back dated, everyone that has had downloads now has points,

I have checked all user accounts.
I can confirm that I now have points.

Added after 23 Hours 33 minutes:

As you can see,the points are working just fine.You can also see that I made a payment request earlier today.
I'll let you guys know whether or not I get paid.

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Dude,they haven't even been open a full week yet.I'm pretty sure I was the first person to request a payment.That's why I made my last post showing my request & saying I'll let everyone know if they pay me.
Keep your fingers crossed.
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