Why the hell is this happening ?

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Active Member
Hey guys, I'm not meant to start a war, but just wanna know, why this happens :|

I heard : "Indian government is tax hunger govt."
I should say this is true, but you should know under what circumstances it is in that way !
India is a developing nation with a huge population of about 120 Crores..
With more than 50 % of its people below the economy line who can't pay taxes to the govt.
So, for implementing good development schemes, It should impose taxes on those who can pay taxes and this should be acceptable, Be honest, how many of you guys are paying taxes ?

I heard some words from a friend of SB : "I'd kill myself if I'm an Indian" :'(
Why people think like this ? I always here someone flaming Indians...
Please say the reasons why you people feel like this and we'll try our best to change ourselves :|

Indians aren't scammers, but a few scammers may be Indians, please remember this :|

Hindi is the national language of India and it is true that many Indians don't know to speak English well.. Even I'm poor in grammar. But let us learn it, why you'll start "learn it" and words like that ? Huh ?

I can't stay silent without writing this thread :|
I don't think this is against rules as I witnessed on of the staff here taking part in a flaming war <_<
And it depends upon the staff to delete this thread or to keep it :|

Thanks, We'll (Atleast I'll) try to change our way by your suggestions
Lol, no use of this on a warez discussion forum i feel..

others behave cause they fear we would undertake them.. because they cant challenge us, we will subdue them in any field..

and ya its Indian govt sucks, they dont have good policy of IT field i guess..
India and Indian government always suck, since 1947. I don't know how to speak Hindi, which is so called national language, I understand it, but dunno how 2 use it properly and dun wanna learn too :D I speak primarily in English, n i dun care whether im speaking good or bad English. This PP thing, govt is money hungry. There r lots n lots of senseless, useless, ashamed, (there is a long list of this) politicians who want to eat money, like hell. I never paid a single penny as a tax to govt and will never pay too, in future. There r 80% of politician who are above age 70. What kinda of politics is this? They even can't sweep their own shit properly and they wanna run politics? LOLzzzz. Indian politicians and the whole Indian system (including, education, HRD, social services, etc...) is toooo bad, reckless, pathetic ridiculous and shud b dumped in a well, which is 1000 ft. deep.
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