Why my website has many duplicate sites? Same database.

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even mine too, same copy just got to know the duplicate sites when I used netu embed videos. SO fast when I post the dupli site too has..
yeah probably a clone, but do the videos play? most copy just front end stuff and forget to copy video links or image links, but depending how uve setup ur database, u should have it domain restricted.
yeah probably a clone, but do the videos play? most copy just front end stuff and forget to copy video links or image links, but depending how uve setup ur database, u should have it domain restricted.
Yeah, videos played... Just Search same keyword .. Seem they got popular than my site :laughing:
If you goto the copy site and request a non existant page eg. void.php?findip The copy site will then try to download the page from your site and edit/cache it, and an entry will be added to your server log.

You can then check your web server logs to find the request (CTRL + F , findip) , this will show the IP that downloaded the page.

You can then ban the IP in your firewall/plugin/code snipet to stop the IP getting future pages, This will likely need to be repeated using new unique urls, eg. void.php?findip2 and then ban IP. Then void.php?findip3 and ban IP, until the scraper doesnt work any more.

FYI some of these scrapers will have 1 IP, some a few, some 100's or more.
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its site mirroring,
you can block that site ip to prevent this.
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create php file and upload to your server and check access with other domains you can find that host ip

$ip_server = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
// Printing the stored address
echo "Server IP Address is: $ip_server";
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