VPS Whitelabelhosting.co Solusvm 3GB RAM from $15 (USA & France)

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1536MB RAM

3072MB RAM

Click ME to browse our catalogue of virtual server services!

Enter coupon code 50percent for the 50% off discount on VPS4 package. The coupon code is limited to VPS4 only.

Note: this is not my company. i'm just advertising for them. for question's please go to the site and ask via ticket
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virus on the site :facepalm:

Have you tried there vps's? or there reseller host they stopped there shared/reseller hosting due abuser. the vps's are pretty good

Added after 37 minutes:

virus on the site :facepalm:


I contacted them about the infection and the owner has apologized for the false flag included in the index file, he doesn't know how it came to be there however he assures me that the code which was flagged was false and didn't actually effect anything.
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Thanks to the OP for referring to our site, only just realized.

At the accusations that we are overselling, no we are not overselling to the masses, we are limiting each node to 32 clients and this offer of 15$ for such an high spec server is a 15day limited time offer and then we are raising prices, it was for our launch into virtual servers.

We also aren't idiots who don't know what we are doing, I opened virtual services with WhiteLabelHosting after leaving VoltVPS (www.volt-vps.com) as the MD of technical and sales which as you can see is priced at x2 our prices with the exact same specifications.

Hope some of you switch to us, or try us out as your first provider, this offer won't be around for long and with our new US node about to deploy on Monday/Tuesday it will be great to see it filled up by some people @ WJunction!

Added after 5 minutes:

Their services are not good, I've tried them. Very slow and they oversell.

We haven't had a single cancellation, and we opened for sales only 4-5 days ago, i'm also in personal contact with almost all of our clients, and you aren't one of them.
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People misunderstand Overselling, for starters it is not a natively bad thing, it depends what you are overselling, and whether it is smart and under control or not.

We are overselling on RAM, that is quite obvious, but that is because we >>can<< afford to oversell on RAM, we have the options to deploy nodes >>IF NEEDED<< and this isn't needed at the moment.

We are putting 32clients of any package on each node, this is overselling on nothing but RAM, and that is only in the rudimentary term (that you are selling more than you can technically hold)

We have clients sustaining their 100mbit ports for hours without problems, pushing 300mb/s read/write speeds, and enjoying 4 full cores with fair share enabled without issue.

So please learn a thing or two, or go and purchase a server from us and then attempt to complain.

Also, you will get allot more performance from our node with 32 clients, than a highly limited corporate virtual server with a corporation hosting hundreds of clients on the same node.

To add to this, almost every single host offering OpenVZ is overselling in some way, and this is not necessarily a bad thing, take your stupid unoriginal complaints somewhere else.
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-_- learn a thing or two? your a hf kiddy, gtfo :|. Most hosts on hf Do oversell. Here on wj Fewly any do, Only nooby ass ones. Look at big ones here such as motionite, knownsrv, knowinservers, wrzhost, and a few others. Do they oversell at all? No. -_-

Added after 6 minutes:

also if im correct query were you not trying to sell whitelabel a white back but failed?
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Well I won't bother responding after this, you're obviously extremely ignorant.

And yes I wouldn't mind betting that Motionite, knownsrv, knowinservers, and wrzhost oversell, because it makes logical sense and it isn't a bad thing. Overselling if done correctly will only boost profits for a company and will not risk the performance of clients. If we see that our limits are being reached in real time, we deploy a new node, just as any other host would do.

I've also being with wrzhost before, if you really wan't a test, go and purchase their highest tier plan, and lets see if it performs as well as ours.

Oh no, you won't, because you are just like every other 7 year old on crack, all talk and no knowledge.

I can't believe I actually have to defend myself against a bunch of replicated kiddies just like HF who think they are higher-up in the chain because they sit on WJunction instead, you are just like HF, I spent years battling stupid comments from people such as yourself and I can truly say that I have gained the reputation to the point at which I don't need too, I'm definitely not going to sit here and repeat that process, especially when I didn't even ask for it, a god damn customer opened this thread!

If you guys don't mind I would like to get this thread deleted, in my honest opinion WJunction is worse than HF, at least you get truly clueless idiots posting on HF, where as on WJunction (in this section anyway, the hosting sections) you get truly clueless idiots who think they are truly genius.

Please before you say anything else, come and purchase our services, if you don't like it you can get a refund, but you will have nothing to complaint about.

Go get these speeds on any other virtual server that costs 15$?


I would love to see someone with a professional manor who can speak full non-broken english come in here, but no I have to get some two bit kiddie called Forgiven who just trashes for no real reason. Bye WJuction, I won't miss you.
one of the most worst hosting services i have ever used.It is just a piece of crap.i brought torrentflux hosting from them the server used to restart automatically once in a while and after some days he closed my account.When i asked for refund he told some crocked stories and finally closed their websites saying that their servers are hacked.

Never Ever Try To Go With Them...
We have never offered torrentflux services to the public, we had it listed for a short period of time and discontinued it because of problems with deploying. We also had*at that time* a 24hour refund policy because of customer abuse.

This was over 5 months ago, please don't post with your nonsense.
We have never offered torrentflux services to the public, we had it listed for a short period of time and discontinued it because of problems with deploying. We also had*at that time* a 24hour refund policy.

This was over 5 months ago, please don't post with your nonsense.
do you atleast have common sense?
if you have refund policy where is my refund?
i asked you many times about refund and you just passed time saying u will provide me the service next week or the other day....

You are thrown out of HF and now you are here after 5months to cheat people on WJ

you are a crappy kid:facepalm:
Maverick79, I still market my services on HF, and I would NEVER want to market them on WJunction.

Please note that a CUSTOMER opened this thread, not me, and I am trying to get it closed.

Please tell me exactly how much you paid, (at the time I remember our torrentflux accounts where 10$ and we only sold 4 of those before I decided to discontinue the service) and your PayPal address, i'll happily send you it if you are adamant that I 'scammed' you.

Although I did state, we had a 24HOUR refund policy, this policy means you can't get a refund after 24hours of your service beginning, we had allot of abuse with our old money back guarantee. So it is obvious why you weren't refunded.
Maverick79, I still market my services on HF, and I would NEVER want to market them on WJunction.

Please note that a CUSTOMER opened this thread, not me, and I am trying to get it closed.

Please tell me exactly how much you paid, (at the time I remember our torrentflux accounts where 10$ and we only sold 4 of those before I decided to discontinue the service) and your PayPal address, i'll happily send you it if you are adamant that I 'scammed' you.

Although I did state, we had a 24HOUR refund policy, this policy means you can't get a refund after 24hours of your service beginning, we had allot of abuse with our old money back guarantee. So it is obvious why you weren't refunded.

ya i paid 10$ and my paypal is tejatheraja99@gmail.com

waiting for your refund
Sent 10$.

Now I wouldn't normally do that, but there is no way I am going to sit here and have a bunch of kids insult me and tell me that I am a scammer.

Anyone else accusing me of scamming you, no of course you won't get a refund, but this was to set an example.

We have plenty of happy customers, of course most aren't on WJunction because we don't target WJunction (see thread to find out why?). Go to HF where we market our services and I can give you at least 150 people who would happily vouch for me.
You are all talking utter shit, Im currently using one of their VPS' and its running perfectly with no hassles whatsoever. I just downloaded a file and it maintained a 4mb/s download speed.

I understand that you are all saying overseller due to the prices, and usually I'd agree, however Im literally using it right now, and its perfectly fine. Before you go bashing other peoples endeavours actually try it, I guarantee you'd be surprised at the quality.
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