U universezodia Active Member 72 2016 18 0 Jul 22, 2016 #23 Windows 7 is one best for me. Windows 8 and 10 are dead for me! Its just my opinion. Peace! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Windows 7 is one best for me. Windows 8 and 10 are dead for me! Its just my opinion. Peace! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
hynds Active Member 449 2016 42 0 Oct 18, 2016 #27 I see that almost guys here are using win 7 and win 10. How about win 8? Any guy is using it? and why?
I see that almost guys here are using win 7 and win 10. How about win 8? Any guy is using it? and why?
M Muntic0re Active Member 38 2016 0 0 Oct 31, 2016 #31 I get used to my Win7, I am not ready to change it
hynds Active Member 449 2016 42 0 Nov 28, 2016 #33 I've just bough new laptop and I'm continue to use Win 7 64 bit currently. It's really good for me for a long time using.
I've just bough new laptop and I'm continue to use Win 7 64 bit currently. It's really good for me for a long time using.
Adtrafico Active Member Corporate Membership 615 2016 5 3,920 Dec 7, 2016 #35 [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Windows 10[/FONT]
A AlphaNine_vin Active Member 220 2014 6 0 Dec 7, 2016 #36 We prefer both Windows 7 and Windows 10. But we never made preference on Windows 8
C contentpimp Active Member 138 2016 5 300 Dec 15, 2016 #38 Windows 7 Ultimate. Old now, but still working perfectly fine for me.
B BNSDF Member 6 2016 0 0 Dec 23, 2016 #39 I am using windows 10. except that we couldn't stop auto updates everything else is pretty good.