Which is more effective google plus or google places?

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The Google places and Google plus is very same but some features and functions are different. Google Place is search the place around us but Google plus is a social networking website like Facebook, Twitter. In Google plus you can chat and publish your current place where you are living in current position but Google places only search the place, not the share by this service. you can share your position on places with Google account and this facility is integrated in Google plus.
According to me, both are good services. Through google+ you can easily socialized you website whereas through google places you juct punched up your address in google places. :)
Google Place and Google Plus

Google place can be very helpful for the site, which is having fiscal location. They can rank for local listing and their by increase their sells. On the other hand Google plus is for every one who want to share their view or create business page to promote their business online.
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