which is better-iphone or android phone?

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I never went for iphone.Back in the years I always had reason-no camera flash on iphone 3,micro SIM ,built in battery.Well the things are bit different today.All serious brands have built in battery and micro SIM.Well finally I have fed up from android.My phones caught viruses,had a lot of glitches forcing me to resort to factory reset.Is it good idea to switch to iphone?To be honest I like 4s the most.Talking for shape,feeling in the hand,material,touch screen.
I would stick with iPhone as well for a few reasons:
1) The layout of contacts for me is much more easier that in Adnroid
2) It has more options to boost your phone as there are more apps (howvere, the con is that there are more paid apps than with Android)
3) Siri is much more better than Samsung Voice manager
4) iPhone can do much better pictures
5) chating is easier as iPhone shows all teh chating history and you can see it in a single window
Avoid iPhones at all costs!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.

(Obviously joking but yeah, if you like a dumb smartphone from 2012 that costs a bit more than a top notch non-apple phone then get the iPhone.
Im using Android and if I didnt havr all these Apps ivr spent money on, I would buy a Windows phone.. I mean check out the lumia 935..
Its really a tough question. Now a days both are playing an important role in our life.
Obviously iPhone deem to be more costly than android. It is a major problem that i am considering about.
Android, there's just so much more customizability and it's at least partially open-source. If you're a techie like me, and love privacy, there are so many options as far as custom roms, and security tools such as Xprivacy, afwall+ firewall, mac address spoofer, encryption tools, etc.
i would have to say an android phone, for the same price of an iphone phone you will buy an android phone like samsung s6 or samsung galaxy note 4, htc m9, lg g4.
Obviously iphone but its costly. Android is clinching its market just because its affordable. P.S you if are buying android phones for gaming then you need not. You can use android emulator to run that on pc. Some emulators are there in this post.
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