Which Image host you like? For what features?

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An imagehost which optimizes the images to the least possible size but still having the same quality.

for the desktop tool like screensnapr, please make it very lightweight and simple.
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chrome plugin
firefox plugin
snaplet tool (can snapshot full page(hotkey) and also any specific area and it can also minimize to tray)
multi url and desktop uploading
a section where you can drag multiple image files and it will automatically start uploading(i said section cause im not sure what is the name of the method)
yeah what QS said. new layout, new features. allow people to remote upload multi images not just single pics, allow people to upload from their PC/FTP to your site (multiple times) and no ads at all
I want a new image host which has following features.

- Can change the whole colour (hue) of the image.
- Can resize the image to any resolution.
- Have a simple and unique design.
- Have Jquery Effects.
- Have a PC tool like Pokit.
- No Ads
- Multiple Images
- Special features for Premium Members
- No Payouts
- The idea should be unique like lulzimg.
- Coder should be you :D
- Designer should be Allsolo or Rohit :P
- Mr.Happy as your partner :wub:
- Many others too.... :O
i forgot to say you should have an editor for the snaplet tool
so we can use like some of the tools that microsoft paint has
so we can highlight(arrows,brush,spraycan,circles etc) stuff on our snaps
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