Which country to host anime site?

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I currently run an anime streaming site that is hosted in Hungary and I constantly receive copyright notices to remove some series which I have to since the notice is from a europe company. Now is there a country that ignore copyright notices for anime series?
You can ask him in Skype: undergroundprivate

He offer DMCA-ignored host.

DMCA ignored host isn't going to help since that's for USA and my site is already hosted in Europe which does ignore DMCA but can't ignore Europe law copyright notices. So I'm looking to know which other country can ignore copyright notices for Anime?
As Suggested above, Russia location is best. In russia location 99% DMCA can be ignored. For Best and affordable Russia Dedicated hosting packages I would suggest you to go with Scopehosts.com , They provide excellent support and help you to resolve the issue instantly in case if you receive any DMCA reports.
I currently run an anime streaming site that is hosted in Hungary and I constantly receive copyright notices to remove some series which I have to since the notice is from a europe company. Now is there a country that ignore copyright notices for anime series?

Hello ,

We saw your question , we can offer you a Russia hosting services in our newly network we have build since on the other we had all slots are being sold , the location of Russia is fully DMCA ignored which we provide ,all servies coming with high privacy and confidence , you can contact us further via below methods.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or bitmessage BM-2cTHvxQk65NRx2XKVLbUfGzsZCoaQLXdWR or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
I'm also looking for manga/anime content host. Right now my server is in france. I never received dmca here but a small company located in europe has start to send this CR and my host easily wets its pants. In 45$ with e3 server i was happy bit now i can't find same specs anywhere else.

NL servers can work well?
You can try Russian Servers. You must not host any Russian copyrighted content. There are so many russian hosts which ignores dmca.
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