When you see a host advertise as 'the cheapest'

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Active Member
Does it not make you think of them as trashy? When I hear the word cheap my mind automatically connects it to low quality. Now if I hear cost efficient, inexpensive, low cost....it all seems right. You really (for the most part) only see 'the cheapest' this more in the warez hosts.
When I think cheap, I think the host is trying to use as less money as possible all to provide for customers, aka they are being cheap and providing crappy hosting.
In my opinion it doesn't.
It depends on the host themselves, because what if they really could be the cheapest?
or what if they competed with other host price wise?

If their hosting is good, i don't see why they can't say cheapest.

Now if they say "The best, or the fastest". Things like that, maybe then it wouldn't be true. (would hard to be the best or fastest, i suppose)

There are many words that "shouldn't" be used, but still are. Like "Reliable" such as Warez-Host you can see the banner.
How are they so "Reliable" if they were down so many times, had so many problems, etc?

Words like that i would say are just "fluff".

And like 4tw said, you should go by real reviews, or get some more information about the host.
And don't go with little hosts who have just come out in the past year.
The likely hood of them actually being good are very slim.
To be honest I think the same and agree with all of you here.
When I used to look for a host before I started Offshore hosting I was turned down by the lines "The cheapest" "The fastest" "The most secure" as to be honest you know its all a load of bullSH-T!

Now I wonder how many people here go and run to their threads to change the titles after reading this :)
To be honest I think the same and agree with all of you here.
When I used to look for a host before I started Offshore hosting I was turned down by the lines "The cheapest" "The fastest" "The most secure" as to be honest you know its all a load of bullSH-T!

Now I wonder how many people here go and run to their threads to change the titles after reading this :)

they don't need to.
Admins / Mods have already been changing them =)
Its not if its cheap,

Its if they use bad grammer atm

Unlimited Space / Bandwidth

:) that turns people away well some people dumb people usually go for it.
What I think when I read the ads.

The Cheapest = Oversold hosting with shit specs.
Inexpensive = Code for "The Cheapest"
Low Cost = Either Inexpensive meaning or unmanaged hosting with a fault in the infrastructure.
Cost Efficient = Pricey but the specs are probably good, the network isnt saturated and decent to good infrastructure.

When a company needs to use gimmicks like the above it usually means that their reputation is shotty or they may just have a really shitty marketing director.
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