What you think about Windows 10?

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Not to impressed really, The media player is very basic. Loads of settings seem to be missing. Its just like Windows8.1 for Grannys.

Edit. The default browser and media player sucks, after tweaking and installing usual apps its very stable and user friendly.
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It may be ok for some of us tech heads out there that knows the traps & ways around them, but a lot of stuff to do with security etc that should be off by default is turned on instead . I can see a lot of the average joe's & moms/dads in the world will be exploited/hacked with this latest offering from MS

As some one else stated somewhere else on the net regard win 10
This will be a NSA wetdream

I'm using win 7 now after many years of using XP & have no desire in the short or long term to update to win 10
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It's stuff that is turned on by default (express install) but can easily be modified.
Ive been using Win10 since the first Tech Preview and I must say Microsoft has outdone themselves in this one.. The company I work at as a Windows sysadmin and Gold partner, will be rolling out Windows 10 (Updating from Windows 7) to our clients.

So far nothing that bothers me... Maybe a setting to change Bing to Google in the main search but hey, what did you expect. ;)

BTW, Windows (10) Server is also kinda awesome. Waiting for Stable to play with it a bit more..
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Windows 8 is in concept phase of Microsoft windows, While it's easy to see that windows 10 is in refinement phase, refining ideas they implemented in 8.
People are having mixed reviews but i am happy with Window 10 features and other changes .. mainly they changed Star Menu and bring it in a much interctive and btter way ... didnt get time to look further in detail but still it is looking good and more comfortable ...
I am using it and its sexy as fuck
But i just got used to using windows 8/8.1
Now i have to get used to using the old start menu again DAMN
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