What would you do?

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Active Member

Choose wisely and tell us why you'd pick what you picked.
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Option "B" Fishing net all you need to survive specially if you surrounded by animals, you can also use the net to make good traps, Plenty of use for it, people who think with they dick will go for chicks, people who think with their brain will go for weed and people like me who think about survival will go for stuff which will help you survive :D
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Money, Lesbian, Knifes, and a computer (with internet of course) so i can upload and earn something till i don't return back to my home lol (joking)
Id take B...

Use the nets to catch fish... keep them fresh in the freezer.. and still have the same 10 songs to listen to everyday when im bored haha..

And when im in the mood fuck the chick.. and when the day comes and i cant kill the beast with something the chick is gonna die while i run with all my shit...

Then ill start over with just my hand.. but i will never die..
Only 1 guy actually understood the post the op didnt even understand it.
It clearly states that u need to choose a group of the three not choose one from every group

Ill chose B
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