what that fucking hostgator.com !!!!!!!!

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Active Member
hello gus

i maked ordr in hostgator.com and i have email 4m company wanna me call them to complet the ordr !!!!!!!!! :(

that not hapend with me last yr i think taht new<_<

and im not 4m usa my egglish noob:)):))

what tahy want when call!!? what i must do!? pls help
Can you retype that?
I did not understand anything you just said...

please don't try to shorten your words b/c it's not working...
then maybe someone will help you.

Can you retype that?
I did not understand anything you just said...

please don't try to shorten your words b/c it's not working...
then maybe someone will help you.


yeah can replay

thay wanna me call the company on phone number to compliet that order:'(

sory about shorten
Still dont understand you dude :|

Just open a ticket with them, Dont come too wjunction about hosting bullshit, no one here even uses host gator probably And we have enough bullshit about web host here as it is.
i have never heard of tht,if you filled out any of the info in the same way as you have in this thread maybe that is why,perhaps they couldnt understand it either
Try submitting a ticket and say that you cant speak english :) and i think you have to provide your CC proof or something. Cant remember.
Lol, then your domain may not suite their TOS.
Its better to consult their online sales team, they remain always online, they will tell you better.
Last time I ordered from them for a friend, they asked me to call too, I called them up and had to read the name it was registered to, that was about all, they don't ask you anything much, just call them, it's no biggie.
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