What should i do now?

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Salman Khan I have Few Things for you :

1.Stop the Fucking 2 GB thing - Its great if you have dealt with a 2GB DB correctly, but can you just forget that for a second? You have a Different DB here and so different problems may occur.

2. Learn the spelling of n00b - Don't you know to see correctly? All have got Tired by telling that you are a n00b, but you are saying I am not a "nob".

3. Use the Edit Feature - I see many times you have kept on doing multiple replies one after another. Instead of that just use the simple "EDIT" Button.

4. Learn to Respect others - Its you who has asked for our help. So you'll have to respect us. You cant just ignore the words of all the experienced people that have gone on telling you that the Database is not crashed.
Salman why the hell are you saying your pc your pc again and again ?? Where the fuck is the hosting for the site ? is your computer is a server ? are u a host ? do u host your sites in your computer ?

you are crying that 2gb database work on your computer.. where the fuck is the hosting for the domain ? just upload the sql file in the public_html folder and import it using bigdump...

simple.. i have done these type of works a lot of times but i never used the database on my computer :)) :))
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ask your host to import it from ssh,it looks like storage engine problem,and you cannot restore a 400mb db from admin panel
use mysqldumper, if that does not work split in it three halfs,

i dun see why you just didnt have your host do a server to server transfer to begin with imo
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