What should i choose? IPB, vBulletin or phpbb.

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Active Member
I am looking for a good forum that has alot of skins / themes. I currently have phpbb installed, but the styles are not that good. I have a gaming forum, not related to warez in any way. So what i want is a good forum which has lots of skins / themes and it looks very clean and professional. phpBB it looks so old, even if i have v3.09.

Any suggestions?
IPB or vBulletin?

I want to buy a premium skin for the forum, so thats why i am asking this. Which looks more professional?
These discussions are made many times , use search function before you make threads :facepalm:

I didn't know search button existed.

I am watching some IPB skins, but vBulleting skins are also great, can't actually decide. Which forum is more user friendly? IPB? ( i never worked with IPB )
I would reckon ip.board is very user friendly, it comes out the box.
unless your very stupid, u shud be able to easily handle ipb
Been using vBulletin now for over 2 years, so I'm a vB-Fag :P

I have never tried IPB but it looks nice but it's also expensive as you have to re-new your license every 6 months.

I would go for vBulletin as it has more Mods, Styles and is easier to customize.
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