What server do you need for streaming?

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please help! I remember that here in WJ was uploaded a tutorial about how to setup a streaming server but can't find the link here in WJunction please help me to find that post :(
Hi, 16GB RAM is enough if provider is giving SSD as default option with streaming servers.
1GBPS network and up to 50TB of bandwidth. Some provider mention unmetered also but they have some limitations on bandwidth.
Greetings to all ,

We want to inform everyone that we do provide streaming services which comes DMCA ignored in the best prices of the market, there is high confidence and privacy between us and our clients and we never shared / sell or rent your personal info's or data.

The streaming servers comes with dedicated ports and we not limit your bandwidth in any way or share it like most providers does.

All servers coming with iLo Remote and dedicated hardware in the best quality of the market. You can see some special offers we do have for streaming here.

We provide Russia servers which are here and Netherlands servers too.

If you need any custom configuration please do anyone contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you with your query.

Please also all note there is no marketing trick or any other hidden fees on our hosting provider company.

If you need to contact our web hosting company you can do it with one of the following ways :
On our Skype id undergroundprivate or email sales.undergroundprivate.com@clientlogin.sx or please use the ticket system via contact us on our official website.

Thank you ,
Yours UndergroundPrivate.com
Better you can go with a provider who gives you Unlimited Bandwidth and Choose a dedicated server.

If it is for movies check for DMCA Compliance as well.
Greetings !!!

Checkout VPS @ VPS9 Networks.

We are privately held professional web hosting company founded in 2010. Expert hosting team looks after Client Needs, Special Offers and New Technology Implementations.
We have streaming servers with Network of 1 Gbps , 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps. You can check our Streaming Server list which is located in Netherlands.
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