What payment gateways would you recommend?

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Paypal, Google checkout, Quantum Gateway are the ones I suggest and have used before.

Google checkout has horrible support. It's email only and communication even then is absolutely horrible. If a customer signs up with a new google wallet they could be in for a very unpleasant experience.
Depending on where you are in the world and what you deal with, I might recommend Virgopass. It is a platform that supports payment through calls, Premium SMS and either mobile or internet bills. The limit however could come from the fact that these are much more adequate for businesses dealing with micropayment.
As for Google checkout, I am a little skeptic. But yeah, PayPal.com is definitely safe to have. I am really curious about Payza, AlertPays new cloak.
Payment Schedule and DMCA Repeat Infringers

We process DMCA Takedown Requests in a timely manner. We have to make a determination about the validity of each take down request, and it takes a lot of our time. It's expensive for us to do, but it's necessary to protect copyright owners and to protect our file hosting business.

An important element of the DMCA legal structure is the notion of "repeat infringer". There is no official definition of what constitutes a "repeat infringer", so we have adopted our own "repeat infringer" policy. Our policy considers how many DMCA take down notices a FileHost.ws user has caused: both as a real number and as a percentage of the total number of files they are storing on our system. Users that fit our definition of "repeat infringer" are banned from our system.

If one of your files has been removed as a result of a DMCA Takedown Request, the system quickly sends you an email notifying you that the file has been deleted.

Each Thursday we will process repeat infringers, and we will pay out all accounts in good standing.

This announcement does not alter or amend any aspect of the Filehost.ws Terms of Service.
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