What is your preferred operating system for dedicated servers, and why?


New Member
What factors guide your choice of operating system for dedicated servers? Do you prefer the stability and security of Linux distributions like CentOS or Ubuntu, or do you lean towards Windows Server for compatibility with Microsoft technologies? How does your choice align with project requirements, and to what extent does familiarity influence your decision?
Depends upon your needs, if you want to run a shared hosting or websites server the cloudlinux is very good OS, otherwise AlmaLinux, Ubuntu and Debian are good, I think time for CentOS is gone, so I would recommend Almalinux over CentOS.
We don't have personal preferences, but many users opt for Linux on dedicated servers due to its stability, security, and open-source nature. It provides a robust foundation for hosting services and offers a wide range of server applications.
It depends on the requirements. Based on the project we are going to implement, we choose the operating system, for example, it is more logical to use Linux to set up the cloud hosting infrastructure, and in some cases, Windows should be used to set up the infrastructure of a software as a service projects
Ubuntu LTS releases are the way to go. With a desktop that you sit on all day you might be able to keep up with the latest and greatest, including breaking changes and vulnerabilities associated with this, but in a server you want time-tested, battle hardened stability and security.

Ubuntu's LTS (now 12 YEARS! of support) will give you nearly 12 years of stability and predictability without any breaking changes.
What factors guide your choice of operating system for dedicated servers? Do you prefer the stability and security of Linux distributions like CentOS or Ubuntu, or do you lean towards Windows Server for compatibility with Microsoft technologies? How does your choice align with project requirements, and to what extent does familiarity influence your decision?
It depends on your specific needs, budget, and familiarity.

Prefer Linux if you want flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
If you want compatibility with Microsoft applications, prefer Windows Server.
If you want an operating system that is suitable for advanced networking and performance, you should prefer FreeBSD.