what is ur earning with filefactory?

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Active Member
Most of the people are uploading to fileserve and hotfile..

Their payment system is really good and regular..:D

Recently File factory launch new reward system..


What do u think about this reward system?

Anybody tried this ? did they pay regularly?

share ur experience and earing history with us...=)
All sites have now new rewards program to not be last.
It depends. You have to see on your own from where users are downloading mainly.
All affiliate programs now are similar.
Well i started uploading there and get around a dollar per day, but i really hate their file manager, whatever i upload the file gets uploaded like a dozen files.
Mirroring sites or users who spread links using multiple file hosting services are not entitled to earn Rewards. So if you post the same file on FileFactory as well as another file hosting site you will be disqualified and banned from participating in our Rewards program.

Stupid rules...
All they need to see to ban you is ONE post or site containing a FileFactory link together with another filehost link (mirror) ...
Have they banned people doing that? Because if they actually do ban, then its kinda pointless to upload there
if they rly ban you can ban every single user of FF
just take some one link,download it,upload it to other host,post both links on any forum and send msg to FF support

this hosting is fail
Filefactory don't pay

Your payment was declined because you are mirroring the same files you're hosting on FileFactory on other hosts. This is against our Reward program's rules.

The reason that we have been forced to implement this rule is because mirroring the same file across multiple hosting websites removes the incentive for downloaders to purchase a Premium account, as none of the restrictions will affect them. Running a file hosting website like ours is extremely expensive and the only way that we can afford to continue running the company is by selling Premium memberships - and when you share files across multiple hosts, sales decrease dramatically or completely stop.

We want to create relationships with our uploaders and work with them exclusively which will enable both us and them to make bigger profits. Using us exclusively will guarantee that you will have higher sales (which you earn a commission on), and will ensure that we will be able to continue adding new features and capacity. If you are mirroring files but doing it in a way that still generates Premium sales we will normally still pay your Rewards - if you're selling enough memberships to cover your Reward payments, then we're not running at a loss. When you're requesting more money than you're generating through sales, and directly violating our Reward program's rules though, we are unable to make these payments.

I hope this helps explain the reason we have this rule. We appreciate all of our uploaders and will gladly make these payments if you want to work with us and follow the Reward program's rules.

fuck it! i started using filefactory at 8 September, and i now have over 1TB data there. i got paid twice, 24 dollars and 25 dollars,and i generate some dollars for a one-month premium membership,uploading via ftp is not possible unless you are a premium users.

i requested a payout of 35 dollars after working for 2 weeks,and they refused to pay me saying i am using another file host along with filefactory,WTF!

they said downloaders are less willing to buy filefactory premium accounts if i use another file host,and they reply much on premium sales to run the site.

and telling me that i am earning more than i can generate sales for them

WTF!!! they could just disable free download for anyone,and force people to pay to download

waste of time~~~ this fucking host is dead

by the way,they don't ban you ,they just ban you to earn from them
in other words, there is no need to upload there since can't earn
JUst joined to say skrew filefactory

got this email today -


This is a courtesy email to advise you that we have declined your payment request in our FileFactory Rewards program due to the following reason:

- your files do not meet our terms of service

Specifically this means that we were notified that your account contains copyright protected files which are not eligible to receive FileFactory Rewards. As such we are unable to pay Rewards on accounts which contain illegal content.

Please do not reply to this email, as replies are not monitored.''

pointless uploading to filefactory again. Fileserve here I come
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