What Is Anchor Text In Seo

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If you put an hyper link on a text, then such text is called as anchor text. The text in your signature will be called as anchor text. ;)
In SEO anchor text should be keyword with that you would like to get in top positions. For example, if you wish to get ranked by Keyword "Elles Tea" then you should have much links pointing to your domain with anchor text "Elles Tea". But be careful, cause many such anchors can be bad, also put more brand achors.
Correct me if I am wrong but I think the point of this thread was to promote his site and I am sure you do know what that is since you did it in your 1st post. There was no point of bumping this crap neither... and if you have to open a thread to ask what anchor text is instead of searching for it in google that takes about 2 seconds then god bless you. Once again i think this thread was to throw his site link in there.
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