What is alexa rank?

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Basically Alexa is the tool " service" which is owned by Amazon company, this tool has the free and premium features, in free features you can check the rank of your website which is calculated by the number of traffic (visitors) on your site.
Alexa Rank is a third party marketing tool that estimates website traffic. Alexa Rank is often used by online businesses for competitive analysis.
Alexa measures the traffic on your website and provide a numerical value to rank your domain in search engines. Alexa rank can be improved by good content update and also by building backlinks from other relevant sources.
Alexa Rank is a metric that ranks websites in order of popularity or ‘how well a website is doing’ over the last 3 months.
Alexa’s traffic estimates and ranks are based on the browsing behavior of people in our global data panel which is a sample of all internet users.
Alexa ranking is the traffic generated on the basis of the data provided by users in Alexa’s global data panel over a rolling duration of 3months. Traffic Ranks are updated daily. Through Alexa, website ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews. Alexa Rank explains how a website is doing relative to all other sites, which makes it a great KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for benchmarking and competitive analysis.
Alexa rank is a place where you can measure website popularity. It ranks millions of websites in order of popularity. If your Alexa rank is lower MEANS it is more popular in worldwide. We used it because It impresses potential partners and advertisers. It also helps to improve Google Search Engine ranking.
Alexa is the measure to rank a website based on popularity globally. Alexa Rank is determined by the number of unique daily visitors and the average number of page views over a three-month period.
Alexa measures the standard of a website or a blog, space-age, Google page rank, the score, and so forth., and another essential issue is chosen in view of various components, much the same as the one that is the Alexa positioning.
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