What is a Nulled Script and Cracked a Program and how they differ

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Mr Happy

Active Member
Today their has being people saying a nulled script is clean by posting screenshots of virustotal and other online scanning sites.

This is all wrong and I want to use this topic to explain what a nulled script is and how it differs from a Cracked program.

A script is based on languages which everyone can see and read. The language is usually php. examples of scripts include phpbb, wordpress, WHMCS, IPB, vBulletin, sBorg, rapidleech, etc etc.

Companies protect their scripts in various ways. They have things like checks to see if a file or key exists. Some also do stuff like run checks to the company site to compare licence keys ets. Others try and encrypt files in various ways.

Remember anyone can open up a php file and read it's contents. Sometimes they are encrypted to make them difficult to read. Once you've unencrypted them which is generally very easy for people who know what they are doing you can then search the script and remove stuff like checks for licence keys or remove parts that connect to other websites. Once this is done a script is considered Nulled and safe to use.
A problem may arise where not all of the callbacks are removed and there may still be some requests sent to other websites. Remember their are hundreds of files to check so you can miss some pretty easily. This results in a poorly nulled script. The other problem may arise where the person removing these protection measures adds some new ones. For example send your login details or other personal info to their own website. They other thing someone could do is include some sorta shell or something similar among all the files you wouldn't notice.

It's impossible to add a virus to a php file. If anything they'll just try and steel information but these sorta things don't show up on online virus scanners.

So how does this differ from a program that has being cracked?
Well a program is usually an exe file. They run on your computer and you can't just open them up and read the code. As a result their is usually a bit more work involved in cracking these. Now as the exe file has to be taken apart to read the code and remove the security protection and then stuck back together you can add extra malicious code when putting it back together. It's this extra malicious code which has being added that online virus scanners try and detect.

While this topic is a result of sBorg and WHCMS I don't want this to be a discussion about them but more about the information above and help educate people. I never want to see anyone on WJunction say again that a php file contains a virus. Niether sBorg or WHCMS have viruses. In the case of WHCMS some nulled versions do send confidential information to others or leave it exposed. The problem is it's highly unlikely you'll know if this information has being comprised. Don't think by checking it with an online scanner your safe. If in doubt ask. Their are loads of experienced members here who can help advise you.
I actually read everything and something went into my brain and now I am wondering , Do you use a Voice Recognitiion software , as you type like anything .

My Tip : Keep on typing and thanks for the info ;)
How do some websites contain viruses? On old laptops, I've picked up viruses which have messed up my hard drive. (I didn't have internet secruity like)
I wouldn't mind learning how to 'null' scripts, and on the plus side; there is no limit to learning, and learning how to 'null' scripts is bad, but in a way all 'developers' should know how to 'break', and 'null' their software/scripts so then they can learn how to patch it up.
Good info Happy. A lot of people get screwed trying to save some money on WHCMS. As a side note, some places like licensepal offer discounts on stuff like that. No reason not to license if your saving clients personal info and running a 'business.'

I actually read all that and learnt a few things. Most stuff everybody should know about (unless your retarded). Thanks for taking your time to write that.

thanks for the post Happy but I might add some things.
Not all the cracked softwares are infected for sure.but binding a virus/torjan to a .exe don't always need experience in cracking(disassembling/debugging) some "skilled" hackers developed softwares to do this for you.
As for viruses that are picked up from a website it's not exactly that the virus is in the PHP code.Most likely (and the most used technique) there is a Java script in that page that does that.you know that websites have the right to write in your computers throw your browser.with some JS tricks it can "download" viruses to your computer (without you noticing) and executing them.Thus you get infected.
Also shells (r57/c99... that's what I remember now) are considered by some anitivirus companies as Viruses so they call them viruses/torjan.
There is no standars in naming computer threats so every company name threats as she wants and so some php malicious script can be named viruses by some AV companies.I think that's how some users got confused.
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