What Browser Do You Use?

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Internet Explorer 9 beta boasts some impressive new features, Firefox 4 is just around the corner with the very cool tab-management feature, Panorama, and Chrome continues to impress with speed, stability, and syncability. We're wondering: Which browser do you prefer?
«Internet Explorer 9 beta boasts some impressive new features»
This is like saying the new Peugeot model have a new and impressive feature: a tape radio.

IE9 is still way, way behind in the race. All the 'new' features already exists in decent browsers, though it doesnt support CSS3 at 100%. Why? No fucking idea.

Anyway, I just hope the grannies and noobs update their IE, if they insist on using the pretty poor browser, so I dont such a headache making websites cross-brower compatible.

On topic: Chrome FTW.

(you should create a poll)
Yeah you're thread is maybe a little dated Happy, could do with a new one.

I use a mix between FF and Chrome, depending on what I am doing. I prefer Chrome.
I use firefox and chrome. For youtube, facebook and other non-warez related things Chrome <3

Other things - Firefox
internet explorer - for browsing gov owned sites which force users to use ie
firefox - for all warez related stuffs
opera - for playing online games, searching images
chrome - i mainly use chrome for sites like payal, netbaking, booking tickets, etc where money involves
flock - for all personal things, like social networking etc

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