Websites offering free DNS

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Active Member
I have saw some websites offering free DNS. Why some big sites like use it?

What are the advantages and disadvantages?
I didn't deny their quality.
I want to know whats the point in using them, what are the advantages, because Katz use them for a reason
its just for protection really for the dns and is easier to keep hidden and if you need to change ip if your getting a new server for an example, or people use them who dont get to do that with there domain regiaster or host.

its just for protection really for the dns and is easier to keep hidden and if you need to change ip if your getting a new server for an example, or people use them who dont get to do that with there domain regiaster or host.
Free dns will always be slower. Also, if katz are on shared hosting I am worried LOL
If for whatever reason hosting provider freezes the account, and you have domain regged with them and dns setup with them... you are screwed. OTOH, if you have it all separate, you have options. Get with a new host, repoint your dns, and done. Plus, zoneedit rocks. It's not totally free if you have over five domains w/ them. Plus they do (for $) nice extras like MX (mail) backup service.

As for speed... it's just as likely the client's ISP has a crappy, overloaded DNS server doing relaying. Anyway, once the client caches the initial lookup, that's it for a while. It's not like a 2-3sec hit each time the page is loaded.
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