Selling Website *Online Movies*

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hi, guys and girls

Basic info

I have build a website for online viewing movies.

Website is designed in Joomla (metropolis theme of rockettheme) with some modifications.

The domain is at *.com and it is very easy to remember.

So far has 378 movies online , all movies is uploaded from me at putlocker premium account. (i do not use others peoples uploads)

Has a Facebook page with 977 Likers and Twitter account with 1.911 Followers.

The unique things about the site is 2...

1) Website use a unique java player that blocks all pop up windows from put locker and make viewing more easy for visitors. (player is licensed too wit no limitations and you can use it with almost any other video hosting site you can imagine)

2) and most basic for me (it was my basic idea to make this site)
every movie is pure and has NOT embedded subtitles, visitor can choose to view the movie between 4 language subtitles ON THE FLY! The options FOR THE SUBTITLES are : ENGLISH, GREEK, SPANISH ans FRENCH (*where it was available at current uploaded release).

all site articles have description (movie plot) and metatags (all the cast and directors name) for SEO.

SEO work as you know is the last that you do in a website, so there is some work to do about that.

What i am selling

Full Website

  • domain name (*.com) clever for the job and easy to remember registered at godaddy with private who is service enabled
  • putlocker premium accountwith 378 (and more) uploaded movies all with 4 language subtitles
    (*where it was available at current uploaded release)
  • licensed java player to avoid pop-ups and embed subtitles on the fly for movies by user choice.
  • prepaid hosting for all the 2013, with good rules at U.S. server.
Full technical support for your start (tips and tricks ) that will save you a looooot of time for researching.

Why i am sell

1) No more free time
2) I really need some money to run another project that i am working about.


How much?

Price is open...

Best regards. :pirate:

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