Webmoney ????????????

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Their website is so complicated, they want people to get used to their terminology rather making things easy.

Having a merchant account with them is like not for everyone...you must be a registered company.
webmoney is very complex and is mainly aimed for russians (a big portion of their pages is in russian and no official english version exists).

i use it, and it works pretty well for me after a bit of a hard time with it :)

they take 0.5% commission of the transfer though..so when u send the funds to an agent to give you cash, get ready for a beat ;)
Chugi, pretty much all p2p money sending platforms take a fee.

Anyways, Webmoney works fine. Though as others have stated it can be quite confusing.
LongBG, i know mate, i wasn't saying that to point that webmoney does it solely.

but when i get paid/pay someone, i want to get/send the exact amount, and not a penny less/more.

but we best not drown in the conversation about "that's the way these companies make money" etc.

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