WebMoney withdrawal 2023?


Active Member
Hello, previously it was possible to withdraw WMZ wallets through bank transfers with acceptable commissions from WebMoney, but now only WME wallets can be withdrawn through the system.

Currently, you have to pay high fees (usually over 10%) to withdraw money, and some merchants that used to accept WebMoney no longer accept it.

Unfortunately in the last few months I have not been able to find any way, often having to end up paying high commissions of more than 10%.

The question is whether anyone has found a way to withdraw money with low commissions (2% to 6% maximum).

Maybe if someone knows, they won't answer, but I'm running out of options, this is a bottle in the ocean.

Options such as buying on one site and selling on another are accepted, that is what I have seen several times, but the commissions usually charged by the buying sites I know are also not very acceptable.
Well, the question here is to find the best way to withdraw money from webmoney, I think that anyone who uses the platform will be for something, and that it is not the easiest way, who can work only with crypto or have them as an alternative is great. But with this I tried to find the best ways to withdraw money from webmoney.

I'm sorry if I sound like a rude, but it's just to point out what is the purpose of the post.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Did you find out the cheapest fee to wd from webmoney ?

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