WebMoney Wiki

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I found many user have queries related WebMoney function, So i thought to give a quick and short details for daily usage.Also you may get detailed information at WebMoney Wiki .

=> What is WebMoney ?

WebMoney Transfer commonly known as WebMoney is a global settlement system and environment for online business activities, established in 1998. The system claims to have more than 26 million users.
No bank account or credit card is required to open or operate a WebMoney account.

=> WebMoney Purse

There are 8 types of WebMoney purse available for now and most popular amoung them globally are:
WMZ – USD Currency
WME: EURO Currency
WMR : Russian rubels

You can exchange funds in between them by Webmoney panel itself easily.How to get or create multiple purse will discuss in following article.

=> Fee / Charges

Signing up and receiving WebMoney (WM units) from other users is free.
For each transaction you will be charged a fee of 0.8 % of the payment amount, but not less than 0.01 WM and not more than the maximum fees outlined below:

WMZ : 50 ( Max )
WME : 50 ( Max )
WMR : 1500 ( Max )

Will deduct from real-time available fund.
There is depositing/topup and withdraw fee applicable, Check highlighted words.

=> WebMoney ( WM ) Passport

Firsly it is no way related to your travel passport or user without having passport can't get WM passport.
WM-passport is a digital identity document certified by handwritten signature analogue of the WebMoney Transfer members. There are several types of WM-Passports:
  • Alias passport is isuued automatically at login to the System.
  • Formal passport is issued automatically after filling in personal data. After verification of these data with the data in the documents of the member the Formal passport gets the status of verified.

Initial passport is issued for a fee after verification of passport data by appointed agents by sending documents by post or personal meeting. Fee may differ each agent wise.

Personal passport is issued for a charge after checking passport details by the Regitsrator (authorized memebr of the system). It can also obtain by post or personal meeting. Fee also varies agent wise.

NOTE:- For Initial and Personal passport you need to fill a Application Form, get notarized copy of personal documents like driving license or any other govt. photo id with address and date of birth with same as with your WM account. You need to pay fee in advance from your WM account to selected agent. For Initial passport agent and Personal passport agent need to check who accept by post or accept document by person meeting. For personal meeting you just need to pay and carry application form and original id proof.

=> How to get WM Passport

To get registered with WM Passport, get ready with valid and not previouly linked phone ( to complete varification sms process ) and valid email id. I assume you have both with handy.Lets start-

You will be followed by process as follows:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 800"]
[TD]Enter Mobile
Phone Number
[TD]Enter Personal
[TD]E-Mail verification[/TD]
[TD]Create Password[/TD]
[TD]Provide them valid phone number.

NOTE: This phone number require for verification in future outgoing payment.[/TD]
[TD]Provide them here legal details like name, address and all.

NOTE: In future if you want more verified account like Initial or Personal they will send address verification letter on your address[/TD]
[TD]Simple- enter received code/link to complete this.

NOTE: After verify for all sending fund will get notify here.[/TD]
[TD]Verify with phone and secure your account.

NOTE: If somehow anybody gets your account id and password until provide sms code will not able to drain fund.[/TD]
[TD]Everybody knows what password suits best.

NOTE: Still i suggest to keep alpha-numeric with special character.[/TD]

After successful register process you will find screen as below:


  1. This section to show all incoming/outgoing payment history along with personal message received from other user.You may send to others as well.
  2. Here you can add your trusted payee or friends account.One time sms will require for adding ( Without fee ) and after that you can send fund to them without sms confirmation.
  3. You can create or view your purse details, also purse wise transaction details.To create a new purse just click on + sign and create desired WMZ or others.You may exchange fund in between one purse to another like WMZ to WME or other vice verse.NO FEE.
  4. If you have or wish to request WM physical card can do so from here.There is fee, Check here WebMoney Cards
  5. You can pay for your utility services like mobile, gas, electricity and others.
  6. A huge list of market products from physical to virtual, worth to check.
  7. Personal settings page, where you will be able to change phone number, email id, account upgrade, security, mobile applications and all.
  8. This section shows all above 7 realted field.

Now if you have register account successfully and understand basic functions from above, you will notice under Settings that your account is on ‘Alias Passport’ which is having least WM limit.

=> What is WM limits ?

WM has limit on amount can keep/receive in your purse, sending day to month wise on passport type which you have.

Receive or Hold limit:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]Limit in USD/EUR ( approx)[/TD]
[TD]Receiving/hold limit[/TD]
[TD]100 / 93[/TD]
[TD]Without a verified phone number[/TD]
[TD]300 / 280[/TD]
[TD]With a verified phone number[/TD]
[TD]6,000 / 5,600[/TD]
[TD]After receive Initial Passport[/TD]
[TD]60,000 / 55,700[/TD]
[TD]With Personal Passport and higher[/TD]

Sending Limit:

For owners of alias and formal passports


For owners of the initial passport:


For owners of personal passport higher:


This is yucks --- hate limitation. We all want Unlimited Love . So next is:

=> How to remove limits ?

To remove limits is not as tough as people thought. Just follow simple procedure which you will find a pirce of cake.
So if you are on Alias Passport upgrade it to Formal Passport.Steps –

  • After login, Click on Settings ( Account image no. 7 ), under description section 3rd one Passport click on that pencil icon
  • You wil lead to new page, change language from footer and click on link Please follow to passport.wmtransfer.com using E-num or SMS-confirmation ( This is under settings section so as per security will require sms confirmation to proceed. )
Formal WM-Passport issuance procedure is free of change, you only need to specify your personal passport data ( ID Proof ).

Now there will be 3 section –

  • Personal details - ( probably already filled with details which your provide while register account )
  • Postal Address – Set it correct as matched with your address proof.Also for later upgared to Initial/personal they will send address verification letter.

  • Legal Identification – Again it can be driving license, valid photo id card issued by govt. body with mentioning date of birth/address. ( Muse be same as above details )

Some user will prefer to add here wrong details, which is also ok to remove limits and initial level WM also do not verify them But as we all know it will be holding our money and at any point we had issue with account that time our original details will help to get back complete access. This is also truth that very rare chance with WM to get account block.But still Play Safe.

(yn) After fill all above details your account is upgrade to Formal Passport.

Now you have upgraded, it means still limits but you are now having privilage access of WM services like request for physical/virtual card, loan, escrow and many other services.Stick to remove account limits follow enable to WM Keepar WinPro ( Classic ) –

To remove account limits After login, Click on Settings ( Account image no. 7 ), Methods to control WMID – WinPro enable – Click on enable. After pop –up box new page, change language from footer to english if other then:

  • Enter Password

This is not your WM login password, this password to launch software on your PC.You can keep anything, keep it memorable one. DO NOT KEEP UNFORGOTTABLE PASSWORD.RESTORING THIS IS LITTLE LENGTHY.

  • Generating the keys

Here download the keys and store on your system somewhere safely.File name will be WMID ( numeric ).kwm , Once you saved click Continue.Keep it safely on your machine. RESTORING THIS IS LITTLE LENGTHY.

  • Now Keeper WinPro (Classic) is installed as your default operation mode.

Here you have done initial step from accounr panel and the last steps is left to install WM keepar WinPro ( Classic ) with key file.

=> How to install WM keepar WinPro ( Classic )

Download your software free (HERE) .Install it.

  • Enter 12 digit WMID number, You can get after login in your account, top right side. Enter password *which you provide while enable keepar from account panel.

  • You will get troubleshooting window, Select 2nd box This is first attemp to log into keepar with this WMID at this computer. Next

  • Preselect 2nd box and Finish.

Section WebMoney User Credetials:

  1. WMID ( which should be preset) .
  2. Password : *Same as above password

Keys file for given WMID:

  1. Path to file : Locate your file from system
  2. Password for file: *Which you set while enable winpro from settings.

* : same password all three times.

Now you will be getting this window:


Select 'Create a new purse file’ -> Ok

You may get this window on keepar classic


There will be link: https://security.wmtransfer.com/asp/hwactivate.asp?wmid=Your WMID

As you click either on your mobile or e-mail ( Mostly on e-mail and check SPAM box too ) enter in given box and click Activate. Next page ‘Yes’ .

Computer Activation for Keeper WinPro(Classic)
Device has been activated! Please, press F5 in Keeper WinPro (Classic).

Here you are done, Press F5 or left side top bottom click on reconnect.Your keepar is ready for this system.
WM formal passport with successful installed Keepar Classic account have NO limit for transaction.

=> Backup your key file.

Now as you haven’t backup your key file for another system or like you format you HDD so for that you must take backup coz previous saved key will not work on this system or another.


After ok, you will find window as follows:

  • Keys file name: Must edit your desired location.

  • Code to access the key : Must differ from this PC keepar password.

  • Access code information: Again same password as above type .

  • Select copy purse file box.

At any time to get backup open your keepar,
Menu > Backup > File > New

Imp. You must have backup your key file somewhere safely as you do not know when your machine get down and you need to format or require to use on any other machine.
Again remember, each key is valid for single system.You should remember backup key file password while generate it.

Now we are able to use account without limit and so far no issue with WM, But now we have few more queries in our mind like as i said above store or remember key file / password coz restore them little lengthy, Also we want to change WM e-mail id, phone number, security question. Here we discuss on these settings restore process:

=> How to restore WM keepar classic key/password ?

We lost it and now to gain access again open link: Restoring WMID access and select 1st option ‘Webmoney keepar password recovery’ , specify WMID, phone number ( international format with ‘+’ ) or e-mail id.
After specify wmiD, you will asked security question and proceed to verification by e-mail and/or sms.After complete you will get your key file and password.

=> How to change e-mail id and/or phone number ?

Open link: Restoring WMID access select e-mail or phone option.

For phone update WM Wiki: Phone number update - WebMoney Wiki

For e-mail update WM wiki:Email Address Update - WebMoney Wiki

To change both above you must have access to keepar classic.


I tried to put all common queries here, but still you have yours, feel free to ask here and more regular queries will be listed here with answer.

and if find good for you , help others too.
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i have a wm account
- Passport: Formal but i did not upload any document.
- using WebMoney Keeper WinPro.
i'm expecting a paymeny more then 800$ from quizqroup and i'm afraid that the payment will get rejected.
so what is the limits in this situation.
i realy appreciate an expert answer and thanks in advance.
i have a wm account
- Passport: Formal but i did not upload any document.
- using WebMoney Keeper WinPro.
i'm expecting a paymeny more then 800$ from quizqroup and i'm afraid that the payment will get rejected.
so what is the limits in this situation.
i realy appreciate an expert answer and thanks in advance.

To remove limits you need to enable winpro keepar classic and install it.Please check above article.
To remove limits you need to enable winpro keepar classic and install it.Please check above article.
i read the article and it is verry helpful
yes, i'm using keeper winPro Classic but i'm wondering if i have to send them some kind of documents to lift the limits.
thank you so much for your reply you don't know how much this means to me.
If you are using winpro classic and account status as formal passport, you already removed limit.

no need to send any documents but if you want can attach scan copy under My Settings section. ( not mandatory )
I received this message: "We can't send webmoney payment to your account due to your account can't accept payment from non-authorized accounts."
What you need to set that
payment can accept?
Hi, I have added a new credit card WM support is checked but still can not use it for withdrawals, what should I do, I wrote to support e-mail but have no answer longer 10 days.
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