We are looking for beta testers

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Hi Guys,

This invite is for those of you, who have experience, or would like to start working with VideoHost affiliate programs. We are developing a system which will upload content on your VideoHost accounts every day. It is cloud based and it has a large database of latest content. The system will be open for limited public use, we will not allow anyone to register but right now we are looking for 5-10 beta testers, that would get early access for testing purposes. Needless to say, that for your help you will get to keep your unlimited account free for a lifetime.

If you have any questions about the system or if you would like to appy, just let me know! :)
@Ludwig email me I would like o be a beta tester. My email is info@youtubecommunity.x10.bz I will be looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello guys,

I have a quick update. Our servers are performing really well so we might expand our beta testing circle up to 30 accounts for now. I would like to thank everyone who PM'd me so far and I will post a personal response to everyone of you, so if I did not responded to your PM so far, you can be sure that we will get back to you with a personal registration invite in the next few days.
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