WCDDL 2.1 Released

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I've uploaded WCDDL 2.1 so if you're running 2.* please update.

Only funcs.php has changed

Changes which I remember making:
- Added a few hooks (mostly data hooks)
- Changed processURL() to use regex rather than str_replace
- Some mysql_real_escape_strings removed (for intval()'d vars)
- Pagination typo fixed
- Stored submissions in an array for use with hooks
- Changed mapit() function because i dont know why i coded it like it was originally

The main update though is the hooks i've added.

Here's the list of ALL hooks (new and old):

Standard Hook List:
- endFetchDownloads (After fetching downloads, before returning)
- endFetchDownload (Same as above but for a single download)
- submitChecks (After checking submission data, before processing it)
- submitEnd (End of submission process)
- whileFetchDownloads (before executing the while loop for fetching downloads)
- adminFunctions (if _GET['go'] is set and there is no func for it, this hook runs before showing the default admin page.)

Data Hook List:
- processURL (After SEOing a URL, before returning it. Current URL passed.)
- fetchDownloadsRow (During row fetching. Single row array passed.)
- fetchDownloadRow (During single download fetch. Single row array passed.)
- getPagesList (After creating page number list. Page array passed.)
- pageHTMLData (After creating page HTML. HTML passed.)
- fetchDownloadsSQLWhere (After constructing the downloads query. Where clause passed.)
- processURLPattern (After choosing URL pattern. URL pattern passed.)
- insertRecent (Before inserting a recent search, $q passed.)
- whileFetchDownloadsSQL (Before executing FetchDownloads SQL, query passed.)
- submitSuccess (After a successful submission, inserted downloads and site details passed, nothing required to be returned.)
- bwlistQuery (When b/w listing, query passed)
- bwlistForm (Form HTML of b/w list admin passed)
- submitChecksPass (Before processing submission. Passes array(status,site,downloads). Status true = checks passed, false = checks failed. MUST return array containing ['status'] element)
- queueQuery (Query for selecting queue rows passed.)

I've also coded the following modules:
- Backlink check
- http://warezcoders.com/code/v2mods/wcddl_backlink.zip
- Black/Whitelist reasons
- http://warezcoders.com/code/v2mods/wcddl_bwreason.zip
- Reports
- http://warezcoders.com/code/v2mods/wcddl_reports.zip
- Submail v2
- http://warezcoders.com/code/v2mods/wcddl_submail.zip

No readmes have been written for these modules so you'll have to figure it out or hope someone helps.

I will however say the following:
- BWReason mod requires that you alter the b/wlist tables (example query given in the top of the mod file)
- Reports requires that you place reportdownload.php above your modules dir

I haven't had chance to test this fully yet so would appreciate it if you give feedback. Just browse around your site after updating and see if anything breaks (including the admin panel).
Also only the reports mod has been tested, I have not tested the other mods.

So please do post any problems.
The main reason for the update was to add more hooks and fix bugs.

As an extra I coded 4 free mods which probably exist for wcddlv1.

I always say WCDDL is coded for coders and professional webmasters which is why im not packing it full of features. Instead, im hoping people learn how to use the hooks and start making mods rather than editing funcs.php.
I don't know why, personally I never trust custom written script but I trust this one as much as I would trust phpBB. Don't ask me why, I just have a great feeling about it!
Just a note, I accidentally packed the WCLE module into 2.1, causing a PHP Include error due to people not having WCLE.

Removed it now and reuploaded.

Also coding a DDLCMS to WCDDL convertor at the request of DEViANCE i think.

Plus, i'd like to thank frontline for helping during the testing process of various WCDDL-related pieces of code.
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