Selling WBot - Auto Uploading Bot

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Active Member
WBot will auto download the torrents from your feeds, will process the files, upload them to filehosts and then post to your websites.

Main Features:

  • 100% automated. After setup you just need to check once a day to see if there are any torrents paused.
  • Is using a light torrent client (rtorrent with rutorrent interface)
  • One click enable/disable WBot
  • One click enable/disable posting
  • One click update
  • Control how many active/downloading torrents you want to run
  • Control the ratio or seeding time (global setting or individually for each feed)
  • Control the minimum and maximum size for torrents to be downloaded (global setting and individually for each feed)
  • You can download from feeds only torrents that contain your desired words
  • You can skip torrents from feeds torrents that contain your desired words
  • Delete files from torrents based on extension
  • Delete files from torrents based on words
  • Upload NFO files as image
  • Generate images for videos with mtn and you can configure the number of rows, columns or your own text on image
  • Rename files from torrents with a md5 string or short string
  • Remove words from torrent titles
  • Get info for movies from IMDB
  • Dowload big IMDB poster for movies
  • Get info for tv shows from IMDB,, thetvdb
  • Get info and images for games from, gamespy
  • Get mp3 informations for mp3 files
  • Shrink links with: adfly, adfoc, tinypaste,,, safelinking
  • Post on wordpress, ipb, vb, xenforo, dle, phpbb, fluxbb, mybb, warez-bb
  • Post as drafts on wordpress
  • Limit title length on sites
  • Generate on big poster for xxx torrents
  • Watermark the xxx poster with your own image
  • Resize the IMDB poster or the xx poster to your own width
  • Rar files with your own files, your own size, your own password and your own filenames
  • Final posts are saved in a folder
  • Easy to make templates

Imagehosts available: new link soon
Filehosts available: new link soon
Updates: new link soon
Website: new link soon

Price: 150$/licence
License is lifetime but support will be for 1 year.
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i want to start working with the help of wbot. i heard about your service from my friend. need your help.
how much and how can i pay u
what else needed
etc etc
I just tried to register to test, I couldn't see what I was typing in IE11 so used firefox, No email was received to verify the account.

Email was delayed 30 minutes, Account activated and was logged in.
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His site is also not even opening whats the rule that Wjunction is following & not banning him, i see hes not responding too ,

I was thinking to start with them ..

Are you one of my customers? I replied to all "urgent" emails.

All bugs reported will be fixed.

@thegood1 what website you tried? The new forum is working.

I reply to emails in 24h-48h, if is not related to filehosts/imagehosts bugs which should be reported on the forum.
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I am sorry to all clients for the no-support period, i had some issues that i explained in the email that i sent.

This thread will be only a sales thread, any support question should be send on WBot forum or by email.

@SEELE send me your email if you ordered WBot, there is not client of mine that didn't received a reply from me.
01. Is this file list updated?
WBot Supported Filehosts - WBot Forums

02. I noticed the script works on 1 ip at a time. So assume I want to change servers (eg: due to traffic increase or slow server performance).
Do you do it free of charge or do I have to pay for it?

03. "New torrents will be processed after the first torrent is fully seeded"
Does it mean that you script can't download more than 1 torrent at once?

01. Is this file list updated?
WBot Supported Filehosts - WBot Forums

02. I noticed the script works on 1 ip at a time. So assume I want to change servers (eg: due to traffic increase or slow server performance).
Do you do it free of charge or do I have to pay for it?

03. "New torrents will be processed after the first torrent is fully seeded"
Does it mean that you script can't download more than 1 torrent at once?


1. No, the list is not updated. Let me know in what filehosts you are interested and i will let you know if are available (or if i can add them)
2. The reinstalls are free. You can request one reinstall/week.
3. The limitation is on processing a torrent (unrar/rar/upload). You can have multiple torrents downloading/seeding but only one will be processing.

Nitroflare is available
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