Shared WarezWay, Your WarezLinking and NulledScripts way

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WarezWay Inc.

WarezWay, Your WarezLinking and NulledScripts way at $3.95 with Free Domain


We are a very fast hosting at low cost, We offer you warez linking, nulled scripts, and much more.
We always here just to help you getting the perfect service.

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What's allowed and not allowed ?
We don't allow warez hosting, phishing, spamming, porn and child pornography on our servers, However,We allow warez linking, RapidLeech and Hosting.

What's the payment method you accept ?
We accept Credit Card payments through AlertPay (No need to be registered) also we accept payments through MoneyBookers.

Where is your server located ?
Our server is located in Frankfurt, Germany

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looks cool.but it may be copyrighted.i was just suggesting.if he need to build a good host he need a unique logo,not some copied icons..;)

isnt there any girls in this forum?
The site looks terrible....a blogger template would have been far better.Please remove the briefcase icons in your homepage..YUCKK...(suggesting boy,please have a look at other sites)

these sites may have spent lots on their design...i am not you should make exactly like them..but make it more good.You can also set your homepage with the WHMCS homepage if you do not want any design.
Hawk: I accept your bet and you will see yourself that this host will last very long ;)

Lucy: Thanks for your suggestions but honestly, I don't even care about the interface, Service is number 1 for me :)

Dark Hunter: Thanks for your reply.

Note for lucy: 90% of the designer take quotes from other sites and sets, No need to be offensive, The point is to know where you put the quoted item ;), If I want to make a better one then I would made it myself so unique and you will be the first one who will do like this when you see it :O

Anyway, Thanks for all replies and don't worry if you think that I'm scamming. You can host your site and see the difference yourself.

Important note: If anyone hosted his site with me and scammed or faced problems without solution, I WILL CLOSE MY COMPANY FOREVER "SERIOUSLY".
i liked your stunning reply...but even if the service is good its applicable to active clients get new clients you will have to use a pro design..

i can help you

Thanks for your reply Lucy and I promise you that I will make a unique one soon, As I made this one in 2 days just to begin work and hosting site. Wait for it soon.
ya thats the spirit.

Please dont care about the comments of some "big guyz" here...99% percent of them gives negative views on new hosting companies
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