WarezWaldo ReRank

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Arghh, so many problems coming up! The hard drive crashed on the server and a new one is being put in. Currently gonna bring it up on litespeed. Ill tell you guys when its up...
I just hope that this is your last problem.

EDIT: Site is back up. Thank god for that. Just don't crash your hard drive again! lol Anyway what made it crash?
Its a very nice and clean forum. The theme with the custom made buttons is excellent and good for the eyes. The "Welcome to WarezWaldo" looks cool as well. I coudn't find much flaws at your forum. Keep it up!

My Rating: 4/5
oh behalf of the owner and my being a new admin on warezwaldo, i would like you all to look at our new default skin that has been completely rebuilt. please post your opinions!
I remember liking the older skin better o.O...
If it was WarezWaldo that I'm thinking about.

Looks good but... meh, looks same as the other million skins (vb skins?)
Don't like the new banner.
The images arent great either. E.g.



Looks like something someone rushed and made at 4am.

You seem to change you skin every month, which isnt good as a constant skin gives your site an "image".
Overall I prefered the old skin, no idea why you got rid of it.
The only thing which I thought looked OK were the forum icons.

Rating ... 2*.
You seem to change you skin every month, which isnt good as a constant skin gives your site an "image".

Straight to the point, you always have a good skin, i personally liked the good old cyborg_dark best simply cause it was the first time i visited the forum.

Stick to 1 default for a full year, decide for yourself what fits your forum best as in dark/light.
The grey and orange fits best in my opinion.
Keep 1 skin and stick with it, don't change it every 2 weeks.

Your graphics are always very good but changing the skin won't make it any better from what ive seen. Stick with it.
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