WarezSearch.org - Warez Auto MicroBlog (Apply Here)

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Active Member

Want all of your website's uploads sent to WarezSearch.org for free?

Apply here with your website's guest downloads RSS feed and every one of your downloads will be automatically sent to WarezSearch.org. Every single post sent to WarezSearch.org will automatically generate 2-3 backlinks to your website. You can watch and see the number of quality backlinks increase and your website's organic traffic increase over time.

I have got PR3-PR5 backlinks leading to the site, this will pass on thru internal pages and also pass thru to your site via each update.

- Only good-quality sites.
- This process only works with a valid RSS/ATOM feed.
- Downloads only! No site news, general discussions, jokes, etc.
- Downloads in the feed must be viewable by guests.
- Clean titles only - No FULL CAPS or other crap.
- Same rules as most DDL's.
- Your site must be whitelisted on DDL0.com!

No backlink is needed, however it is appreciated if you do place one.

Site Name: your websites name
Site URL: [URL]http://www[/URL]....
Site Type: forum/blog/ddl
Katz Rating: 1-5*
RSS Feed URL(s): must be valid and contain timestamps or guid's
Logo: 100x100px image to be used as the avatar
Once your site is accepted, I will add your RSS feed to the list and you can sit back and relax while every post is added automatically to your WarezSearch.org profile. There is no need to submit posts daily like on DDL's - everything is processed automatically.

I will add new feeds 1-2 times per week, do not PM/email me about this.
Plz Set Your Site
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^ Server problems with photonservers, everything should be ok now.

Site Name: Wrz4All
Site URL: http://www.wrz4all.com
Site Type: forum
Katz Rating: 3*
RSS Feed URL(s): http://feeds.feedburner.com/Wrz4All

Titles in feed contain "Movies -", "Music -", etc.

Site Name: Warez Arena
Site URL: http://www.WarezArena.Info
Site Type: Forum
Katz Rating: 1* :'(
RSS Feed URL(s): http://warezarena.info/external.php?type=RSS2
Site Name: MacOSXStation
Site URL: http://macosxstation.com/
Site Type: Blog
Katz Rating: 1*
RSS Feed URL(s): http://feeds.feedburner.com/macosxstation/QDUS

Site Name: MediaSurge
Site URL: http://mediasurge.net/
Site Type: Blog
Katz Rating: N/A
RSS Feed URL(s): http://mediasurge.net/feed

No thanks guys, I am only adding feeds from sites with good quality content. Your sites are too new at the moment or have too little members/content, please apply again later.

Added a few more profiles.


Just checked google and it's already listed on page1 for the main keyword:
Here goes mine SJshah
Site Name: SharingW
Site URL: http://sharingw.org/
Site Type: Forum
Katz Rating: 4 ★★★★
RSS Feed URL:http://sharingw.org/external.php
Thank you.
No RSS feed.
Hey Can You Please Add Up My Site !! You Missed Up !!

Your site is dead dude.

Porn site owners: I'm not adding any porn sites.

PS: Your site must be whitelisted on DDL0.com in order to be added to this system. (from now on)
So you need a DDL0 button or text link somewhere on your site.

I will add some more sites soon.
If I missed out your site, please re-apply when you improve your site.
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