Warez-HQ Beta.

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Warez-HQ is a good simple to use site, although I'd like to see a favicon and some custom images i.e. register image, unread/read images etc. Good start keep it up.
I think the register image would look better if you centered it mate,

it's a nice simple skin, but it doesn't have like a wow factor or anything when it first opens.
I'ts not bad cos at least its clean and uncluttered, though a bit boring (sorry), so I would give it a 5/10 for that alone but room for more :)

I reckon sherwood has got a point about centering the register image (I would personally do it a bit smaller too), and I too think the custom images will make a difference, and about the favicon, try http://www.freefavicon.com/, you can use any (square) image and do rolling text if you want and they will make it a downloadable .ico for you.
I think the register image would look better if you centered it mate,

Ok ill center the image.

I reckon sherwood has got a point about centering the register image (I would personally do it a bit smaller too), and I too think the custom images will make a difference, and about the favicon, try http://www.freefavicon.com/, you can use any (square) image and do rolling text if you want and they will make it a downloadable .ico for you.

I have a .ico im just waiting to get access to the cpanel back until then ill have to stick with the default image.
Like it. You should center register img, make a favicon and a better logo.

If you do it its 9/10 (currenty around 7 (im reviewing only the design considering its a beta with no content... just make sure it doesnt stay that way)) (:

Like the skin.
i sat there for another 30 seconds looking and just wiaitng for all the images to load, before i realised no images were gonna LOL
i think the skin is uncomplete
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