Warez-Home.com Using Ripped Skin

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lol the owners a member here they changed it as i saw it to

edit: http://www.warez-home.com/WX/misc/wx_logo.png

He must have not know it was my site. If he ripped it purposely then the is a fag. Its good on his part that he changed the skin. A warming was enuff (y)

Thanks DLow <3
I don't understand why everyone posts things like this.

Everyone uses ripped skins for any board you use (whether VB, IPB, etc).
But when someone uses someone else's that they made, or phantom's or w/e his name is, everyone freaks out.

How can everyone be hypocritical about these things, only allow rips from certain things, but not others.

That's just wrong, either hate ripping all together, or don't care about it.
I'm not saying i'm for ripping, I hate when people copy you, but in a way you should feel good that people like your coding / design.
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