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Looks great - the light blue colour fits perfect with the dark skin and makes reading alot easier compared to other dark themes.

Just 2 things I'd like to mention:
- the affiliates links above the Katz buttons gives me the feeling that theres something missing; the links are just 'floating' there

- If you scroll to the end of the page you'll see "id='newLang'>" ;)

Other than that well done!
WTF dude it's like the default skin, it's too empty plus fix those links above the katz buttons and make a better logo.



Never was and never will be...;)
its like the default skin ?
too empty ? i like light skins ..dislike heavy tech on forums
links above katz will get fixed
better logo lol um it fits the site perfectly ;) not going to change

ty for the review
Can you do something about these:


Can you make them more visible for us blind people :D
oh by the way just noticed in the shoutbox when you click the little arrow by someones username it pops up the mini profile, the mini profiles font color is set to black somehow ive tried a few different usernames and refreshed so its worth checking out.

if you dont understand me msg me on yahoo ill explain more later.

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