warez became wrz?

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dear wjunction users

since I started wrzhost I've seen a lot of sites with wrz in them while I didn't see them before,did I cause a revolution in the scene or something?
It was never my intention since it's Worldwide Retrievable Zone Host.
Wrz is a "half" acronym for Warez.

Of course Wrz could have been taken from your host, but don't assume it's caused a "revolution" :P
LOL well we own WRZNetwork.com, don't remember how to0 thought of it though.

And speaking of "revolution" i've been seeing that word an awful lot lately lmao. Hence "Join the Revolution", n now I see it used all over.

Maybe im just noticing it more now who knows.;)
LOL well we own WRZNetwork.com, don't remember how to0 thought of it though.

And speaking of "revolution" i've been seeing that word an awful lot lately lmao. Hence "Join the Revolution", n now I see it used all over.

Maybe im just noticing it more now who knows.;)

Join The Revolution has been used on waushare for ages.. old days
I own WRZteam.com
I didn't realize your site at all...in fact, I have never even heard of it.
I just did wrz because anything with 'warez' in the domain is taken.
Plus, it gets the point across right?

So a revolution? No
A good idea? Yup
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